기술보증기금(이하 ‘기보’)은 14일, 우리은행과 하나은행(가나다순, 이하 ‘협약은행’)과 함께 「주력산업 위기 극복 및 수출·기술 경쟁력 강화를 위한 금융지원 업무협약」을 체결했다고 밝혔다.
이번 협약은 경제 불확실성이 지속되는 가운데, 주력산업을 영위하는 중소기업들이 겪고 있는 위기 극복을 돕고, 이들의 수출 및 기술 경쟁력 강화를 통해 혁신 성장을 촉진하려는 목적을 가지고 있다. 기보와 협약은행은 이를 위해 특별출연과 보증료지원을 통해 최대 8,100억원 규모의 협약보증을 공급할 계획이다.
협약에 따라, 기보는 협약은행의 특별출연금 90억원을 바탕으로 1,800억원 규모의 특별출연 협약보증을 우대 지원한다. 이와 함께 기보는 보증비율을 기존 85%에서 100%로 상향하고, 보증료를 0.2%p 낮추는 혜택을 3년간 제공할 예정이다.
또한, 기보는 협약은행의 보증료지원금 63억원을 기반으로 6,300억원 규모의 보증료지원 협약보증을 공급하며, 협약은행은 보증료(0.5%p, 2년간)를 지원한다.
지원 대상은 기보의 기술보증 요건을 충족하는 신기술사업자 중 주력산업 위기 극복, 수출 경쟁력 강화, 기술 경쟁력 강화, 창업 생태계 조성, 중소기업 경쟁력 강화 및 지속가능성장(ESG) 분야에 속하는 중소기업들이다.
김종호 기보 이사장은 “이번 협약을 통해 경제 불확실성 속에서 어려움을 겪고 있는 소재·부품·장비 업종 및 수출 기업들의 금융비용 부담을 완화할 수 있는 실질적 지원이 마련되었다”며, “앞으로도 주력산업에 대한 정책 지원을 강화하고, 중소기업의 경영 위기 극복과 수출 경쟁력 강화를 위해 지속적으로 대응해 나가겠다”고 밝혔다.
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Kibo, Woori and Hana Bank Sign Business Agreement
The Korea Technology Finance Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the “KIBO”) announced on the 14th that it had signed a “Financial Support Agreement for Overcoming the Crisis of Key Industries and Strengthening Export and Technology Competitiveness” with Woori Bank and Hana Bank (in alphabetical order, hereinafter referred to as the “Affiliated Banks”).
The purpose of this agreement is to help small and medium-sized enterprises operating in key industries overcome the crisis they are experiencing amidst continued economic uncertainty, and to promote innovative growth by strengthening their export and technological competitiveness. To this end, Kibo and the contracting banks plan to provide up to KRW 810 billion in contract guarantees through special contributions and guarantee fee support.
According to the agreement, Kibo will provide preferential support for special contribution agreement guarantees worth KRW 180 billion based on the special contribution of KRW 9 billion from the agreement bank. In addition, Kibo will provide benefits such as raising the guarantee ratio from the existing 85% to 100% and lowering the guarantee fee by 0.2%p for three years.
In addition, Kibo will provide a guarantee support agreement guarantee worth KRW 630 billion based on the KRW 6.3 billion in guarantee support funds from the partner banks, and the partner banks will support the guarantee fee (0.5%p, for 2 years).
The support target is small and medium-sized enterprises that fall into the fields of overcoming the crisis of key industries, strengthening export competitiveness, strengthening technological competitiveness, creating a startup ecosystem, strengthening the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, and sustainable growth (ESG) among new technology business operators that meet the technology guarantee requirements of Kibo.
Kim Jong-ho, CEO of Kibo, said, “Through this agreement, we have provided practical support to ease the financial burden of materials, parts, and equipment industries and export companies that are struggling amid economic uncertainty.” He added, “We will continue to strengthen policy support for key industries and respond to overcome management crises of small and medium-sized enterprises and enhance export competitiveness.”
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Kibo、Woori 与韩亚银行签署业务协议
Kibo 首席执行官金钟浩表示:“通过此次协议,我们为缓解在经济不确定性中陷入困境的材料、零部件和设备行业以及出口企业的财务负担提供了切实可行的支持。”他补充道:“我们将继续加强对重点行业的政策支持,并应对克服中小企业的经营危机并提高出口竞争力。”
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Kibo, Woori et Hana Bank signent un accord commercial
La Korea Technology Finance Corporation (ci-après dénommée « KIBO ») a annoncé le 14 qu'elle avait signé un « Accord de soutien financier pour surmonter la crise des industries clés et renforcer la compétitivité des exportations et de la technologie » avec Woori Bank et Hana Bank (par ordre alphabétique, ci-après dénommées les « Banques affiliées »).
Cet accord vise à aider les petites et moyennes entreprises opérant dans des secteurs clés à surmonter la crise qu’elles traversent dans un contexte d’incertitude économique persistante et à promouvoir une croissance innovante en renforçant leur compétitivité à l’exportation et technologique. À cette fin, Kibo et les banques contractantes prévoient de fournir des garanties contractuelles d'une valeur allant jusqu'à 810 milliards de KRW par le biais d'apparitions spéciales et d'un soutien aux frais de garantie.
Selon l'accord, Kibo fournira un soutien préférentiel aux garanties d'accord de contribution spéciale d'une valeur de 180 milliards de KRW sur la base de la contribution spéciale de 9 milliards de KRW de la banque d'accord. En outre, Kibo prévoit d'augmenter le ratio de garantie de 85 % à 100 % et d'offrir des avantages en réduisant les frais de garantie de 0,2 % pendant trois ans.
En outre, Kibo fournira une garantie d'accord de soutien de garantie d'une valeur de 630 milliards de KRW sur la base des 6,3 milliards de KRW de fonds de soutien de garantie des banques partenaires, et les banques partenaires prendront en charge les frais de garantie (0,5 % p, pendant 2 ans).
L'objectif du soutien est de soutenir les petites et moyennes entreprises qui relèvent des domaines suivants : surmonter la crise des industries clés, renforcer la compétitivité à l'exportation, renforcer la compétitivité technologique, créer un écosystème de startups, renforcer la compétitivité des petites et moyennes entreprises et la croissance durable (ESG) parmi les opérateurs commerciaux de nouvelles technologies qui répondent aux exigences de garantie technologique de Kibo.
Kim Jong-ho, PDG de Kibo, a déclaré : « Grâce à cet accord, nous avons apporté un soutien concret pour alléger le fardeau financier des industries de matériaux, de pièces détachées et d'équipements et des entreprises exportatrices qui luttent dans un contexte d'incertitude économique. » Il a ajouté : « Nous continuerons de renforcer le soutien politique aux industries clés et de réagir pour surmonter les crises de gestion des petites et moyennes entreprises et améliorer la compétitivité à l'exportation. »
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