In the midst of the growing importance of the mobile platform and the ever-increasing numbers of mobile apps, new players are entering the industry of app stores. There has been news of Facebook’s new app store that targets social apps, and now Naver has launched its own app store.
N Store is not simply an app store, and it consists of Bookstore, Musicstore and TVstore. At the moment, N Store is available as a mobile website ( and does not have its own app. Recently, Google expanded its mobile app store Google Play to include books and music in addition to apps and this same strategy is seen in Naver’s N Store too.
Naver’s app store has potential. It is a service that categorizes apps through a wide variety of themes. From this point of view, it is a new form of app recommendation service. N Store offers both apps that are available in Google Play and also apps that are uniquely registered with N Store. Although it is not clear how the recommendation system works for the apps, users are able to rate each application.
For apps that are registered with N Store, users can download or update the apps on the site directly. However, for those apps who are registered with Google Play only, the app information is available in N Store but the download link will bring users to Google Play instead.
If N Store is able to increase their influence, it is likely that more apps will also choose to register with N Store. The deciding factor for N Store’s success or failure will be ‘how effectively does the service recommend useful or related apps?’.
N Store is similar to Facebook’s app store in certain aspects. Both services do not have a real mobile platform and both are app recommendation services. Facebook has already announced their concentration on social apps and it will be interesting to see what kind of apps N Store will focus on.
[#M_Click here for the original article in Korean|Hide|모바일이 점점 중요해지고 모바일앱의 수도 꾸준히 증가하고 있는 가운데, 모바일 플랫폼 사업자와 단말기 제조사가 독점하고 있던 앱장터 시장에 신규 사업자가 속속 진출하고 있습니다. 지난 글을 통해 페이스북이 소셜앱을 대상으로 한 앱센터를 선보인다는 소식을 전해 드렸는데.. 이번에는 네이버가 앱스토어를 런칭했습니다.
네이버가 선보인 서비스는 앱스토어뿐만 아니라 북스토어, 뮤직스토어, TV스토어를 모두 포괄하는 N스토어입니다. 현재 N스토어는 모바일웹(만 제공하고 앱은 제공하지 않습니다. 개별 스토어는 모바일웹뿐만 아니라 모바일앱까지 제공하는군요. 구글이 최근에 안드로이드 마켓을 구글플레이로 확대하고.. 모바일앱뿐만 아니라 책과 음악 등으로 확대한 것과 동일한 전략으로 보입니다. 애플의 아이튠즈를 모두 닮아가는 분위기군요. (N스토어에 대한 자세한 내용은 여기를 참고하세요.)

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