중기부, 2025년 중소기업 기술거래 활성화 지원사업 공고

중소벤처기업부(장관 오영주, 이하 중기부)는 지난 16일 중소기업 기술거래 시장의 활성화와 중소기업이 이전받은 기술의 사업화를 돕기 위해 ▲통합지원과 ▲기반조성사업으로 구성된 ‘2025년 중소기업 기술거래 활성화 지원사업 공고’를 실시한다고 밝혔다.

◆ 통합지원 프로그램은 외부기술을 도입하였거나 도입예정인 중소기업의 사업화를 지원하는 사업으로 ▲전문기관의 컨설팅을 통해 사업화 로드맵을 기획하여 제공하고 ▲도입기술의 내재화 등을 위한 인건비, 기술 검증 등 사업화 비용을 제공한다. 또한 기술보증기금의 지식재산인수보증 활용 시 발생하는 이자비용까지 종합적으로 지원한다.

특히 올해부터는 통합지원 프로그램의 지원 금액을 대폭 상향하였다. 통합지원 선정 기업 중 일반기업은 기존 3천6백만 원에서 110백만 원으로, 핵심기업은 기존 1억 6백만 원에서 2억 1천만 원으로 상향하여 지원한다. 또한, 사업화 과정 중 중소기업이 부담하는 금융부담 완화를 위해 지식재산인수보증 활용 시 발생하는 이자비용에 대한 지원금리도 ‘24년 기준 평균 1.7%p 수준에서 2.5%p로 상향하였다.

◆ 기반조성사업은 중소기업 기술거래 시장 활성화를 위해 ▲중소기업의 기술수요 발굴 ▲대학·공공연 등이 보유한 공급기술정보의 기술설명자료를 플랫폼(스마트테크브릿지)을 통해 제공 ▲기술이전 과정 중에 소요되는 중개수수료·기술가치평가 비용 등을 지원하는 사업이다.

2025년에는 기술거래 과정 중 기술탈취 방지를 위해 인수기업과의 기술침해 분쟁 시 유리한 증거로 활용할 수 있는 기술자료 거래등록을 최대 5건 지원하고, 또 적정기술료 산정을 위한 기술가치평가비용 지원도 기존 5백만원에서 10백만원으로 지원한도를 상향하였다. 이외에도, 베트남 등 해외 국가로의 기술수출을 위한 지원사업도 신설하여 운영할 예정이다.

한편 중기부는 ‘2025년 중소기업 기술거래 활성화 지원사업’에 대한 설명회를 2월 13일 13시 30분 서울 중구에서 개최할 예정이다. 지원사업에 대한 자세한 내용을 원하는 기업과 기관은 스마트 테크브릿지 누리집을 통해 확인할 수 있다.


  • 관련 기사 더 보기

Ministry of SMEs and Startups, Announcement of 2025 Small and Medium Enterprise Technology Transaction Activation Support Project

The Ministry of SMEs and Startups (Minister Oh Young-joo, hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of SMEs and Startups) announced on the 16th that it will be implementing the '2025 SME Technology Transaction Activation Support Project Notice' consisting of ▲integrated support and ▲infrastructure development projects to revitalize the SME technology transaction market and help SMEs commercialize the technologies they have transferred.

◆ The integrated support program is a project to support the commercialization of small and medium-sized enterprises that have introduced or are planning to introduce external technologies. ▲ It plans and provides a commercialization roadmap through consulting with specialized institutions, and ▲ It provides commercialization costs such as labor costs and technology verification for internalization of introduced technologies. It also comprehensively supports interest costs incurred when utilizing the intellectual property acquisition guarantee of the Technology Guarantee Fund.

In particular, starting this year, the support amount for the integrated support program has been significantly increased. Among the companies selected for integrated support, general companies will be supported from 36 million won to 110 million won, and core companies will be supported from 106 million won to 210 million won. In addition, in order to ease the financial burden on small and medium-sized enterprises during the commercialization process, the support interest rate for interest costs incurred when utilizing the intellectual property acquisition guarantee has been increased from the average level of 1.7%p in 2024 to 2.5%p.

◆ The infrastructure development project is a project to activate the technology transaction market for small and medium-sized enterprises by ▲ discovering technology demand from small and medium-sized enterprises, ▲ providing technology description materials of supplied technology information held by universities, public performances, etc. through a platform (Smart Tech Bridge), and ▲ supporting brokerage fees and technology value assessment costs incurred during the technology transfer process.

In 2025, in order to prevent technology theft during the technology transaction process, we will support up to 5 cases of technology data transaction registration that can be used as favorable evidence in technology infringement disputes with acquiring companies, and we will also increase the support limit for technology value assessment costs for calculating fair technology fees from the existing 5 million won to 10 million won. In addition, we plan to establish and operate a support project for technology exports to overseas countries such as Vietnam.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of SMEs and Startups plans to hold an information session on the '2025 SME Technology Transaction Activation Support Project' at 1:30 PM on February 13 in Jung-gu, Seoul. Companies and organizations that want more detailed information on the support project can check it through the Smart Tech Bridge website .

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  • 関連記事をもっと見る


16日,中小企业和创业部(吴永珠部长官,以下简称中小企业和创业部)启动了“2025年中小企业技术贸易激活”项目,该项目包括▲综合支持和▲ 振兴中小企业技术交易市场、帮助中小企业将转让技术商业化的基础设施开发项目宣布将进行“支持项目公告”。

◆ 综合支援计划是对已引进或计划引进外部技术的中小企业进行商业化的项目。 ▲ 通过专业机构的咨询,规划并提供商业化路线图,以及 ▲ 商业化成本等。提供引进技术内部化的劳动力成本和技术验证。此外,我们还为利用科技金融基金知识产权收购担保时产生的利息成本提供全面支持。


◆ 基金会创建项目旨在振兴中小企业技术交易市场 ▲ 发现中小企业的技术需求 ▲ 通过大学、公共机构等提供供应技术信息的技术说明材料。平台(Smart Tech Bridge) ▲ 技术转让过程中需要的调解 这是一个支持费用、技术评估费用等的项目。


另一方面,中小企业部计划于2月13日13时30分在首尔中区召开“2025年中小企业技术贸易活性化支援事业”说明会。想要了解该支持项目详细信息的公司和组织可以通过Smart Tech Bridge网站进行查看。

  • 更多相关文章

Le ministère des PME et des startups annonce un projet de soutien à l'activation du commerce technologique pour les petites et moyennes entreprises pour 2025

Le 16 , le ministère des PME et des startups (le ministre Oh Young-joo, ci-après dénommé le ministère des PME et des startups) a lancé le projet « 2025 Technology Trade Activation for Small and Medium Enterprises », qui consiste en ▲ un soutien intégré et ▲ projet de développement d'infrastructures visant à revitaliser le marché des transactions technologiques des petites et moyennes entreprises et à aider les petites et moyennes entreprises à commercialiser la technologie transférée. Il a été annoncé qu'une « annonce de projet de soutien » serait réalisée.

◆ Le programme de soutien intégré est un projet qui soutient la commercialisation des petites et moyennes entreprises qui ont introduit ou prévoient d'introduire des technologies externes. ▲ Une feuille de route de commercialisation est planifiée et fournie grâce aux conseils d'organismes professionnels, et ▲ Les coûts de commercialisation tels que. les coûts de main-d'œuvre et la vérification de la technologie pour l'internalisation de la technologie introduite sont couverts. De plus, nous fournissons une prise en charge complète des frais d'intérêt encourus lors de l'utilisation de la garantie d'acquisition de propriété intellectuelle du Technology Finance Fund.

En particulier, à partir de cette année, le montant du soutien au programme de soutien intégré a été considérablement augmenté. Parmi les entreprises sélectionnées pour un soutien intégré, le soutien sera augmenté de 36 millions de won à 110 millions de won pour les entreprises générales, et de 106 millions de won à 210 millions de won pour les entreprises principales. En outre, afin d'alléger la charge financière supportée par les petites et moyennes entreprises pendant le processus de commercialisation, le taux d'intérêt de soutien pour les frais d'intérêt encourus lors de l'utilisation des garanties d'acquisition de propriété intellectuelle a également été relevé d'une moyenne de 1,7 %p en 2024 à 2,5%p.

◆ Le projet de création de la fondation vise à revitaliser le marché du commerce technologique des petites et moyennes entreprises. ▲ Découvrir la demande technologique des petites et moyennes entreprises. ▲ Fournir des documents d'explication technique sur les informations technologiques fournies par les universités, les institutions publiques, etc. une plateforme (Smart Tech Bridge) ▲ Médiation requise lors du processus de transfert de technologie Il s'agit d'un projet qui prend en charge les frais, les coûts de valorisation de la technologie, etc.

En 2025, afin de prévenir le vol de technologie au cours du processus de transaction technologique, jusqu'à 5 transactions seront prises en charge pour l'enregistrement de données techniques pouvant être utilisées comme preuve avantageuse dans les litiges pour violation de technologie avec les entreprises acquéreuses. En outre, une prise en charge des coûts d'évaluation de la technologie. pour calculer des frais technologiques appropriés seront également fournis. La limite de soutien a été augmentée de 5 millions de won à 10 millions de won. En outre, nous prévoyons de créer et de mettre en œuvre un nouveau projet de soutien à l’exportation de technologies vers des pays étrangers comme le Vietnam.

Parallèlement, le ministère des PME et des startups prévoit d'organiser une séance d'information sur le « Projet de soutien à l'activation du commerce technologique des petites et moyennes entreprises 2025 » à Jung-gu, Séoul, le 13 février à 13h30. Les entreprises et organisations qui souhaitent des informations détaillées sur le projet de support peuvent les consulter via le site Web Smart Tech Bridge .

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