동남권 특화 액셀러레이터 시리즈벤처스는 2024년 중소벤처기업부로부터 우수 액셀러레이터로 선정되며 지역 스타트업 생태계 성장의 선도적인 역할을 이어가고 있다. 초기 창업 기업에 투자하고 맞춤형 액셀러레이팅 프로그램을 운영하며 다양한 산업군의 혁신 기업을 발굴해 지역 경제에 활력을 불어넣고 있다.
한 해 동안 27개 기업에 총 86억 원을 투자하며 역대 최고 실적을 기록, 누적 투자 성과는 63개 기업에 총 211억 원으로, 투자 기업의 90% 이상이 동남권 스타트업이다. 이를 통해 지역 스타트업 생태계의 든든한 러닝 메이트로 자리 잡으며 지속적인 성장과 혁신을 지원하고 있다.
투자 당시 약 210억 원이던 전체 지분 가치는 현재 약 425억 원으로 2배 이상 증가했으며 회수 기업은 평균 수익률 3.4배를 기록하며 성공적인 투자 회수를 이어가고 있다.
또한 한국벤처투자 출자사업 선정으로 ‘라이콘 스타트업 투자조합(30억 원)’과 ‘부산지역혁신 티브스 투자조합 1호(60억 원)’를 추가 결성했다. 이를 통해 운용 자산(AUM) 규모를 약 380억 원으로 확대하며, 시리즈벤처스의 펀드 운용 역량을 다시 한번 입증했다.
동남권 유일의 팁스(TIPS) 및 립스(LIPS) 운용사로 활동 중인 시리즈벤처스는 2024년 총 12개 팁스 선정 기업을 배출하며 기술 기반 스타트업에 총 60억 원을 지원했다. 또한, 기업가형 소상공인 육성 프로그램 립스를 통해 5개 기업에 총 24억 원의 융자 매칭을 지원하며 우수 운영사로 선정되는 성과를 거두었다.
특히 이러한 경험과 성과를 바탕으로 2024년 동남권 최초의 스타트업 코워킹 스페이스 ‘시리즈엑스’를 런칭해 이를 통해 창업기관, 투자사, 스타트업 등 다양한 창업 생태계 플레이어와 협력하며 지역 맞춤형 클러스터 조성에 박차를 가하고 있다. 이러한 활동을 기반으로 지역 스타트업 생태계의 지속 가능성을 높이고 협력과 혁신의 중심지로 자리 잡아갈 계획이다.
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Series Ventures selected as the best accelerator in 2024
Southeast Region Specialized Accelerator Series Ventures has been selected as an excellent accelerator by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups in 2024 and continues to play a leading role in the growth of the local startup ecosystem. It invests in early-stage startups, operates customized acceleration programs, and discovers innovative companies in various industries, thereby revitalizing the local economy.
By investing a total of 8.6 billion won in 27 companies over the year, the company recorded its best performance ever, and the cumulative investment performance was 21.1 billion won in 63 companies, with over 90% of the invested companies being startups in the Southeast region. Through this, it has established itself as a solid running mate in the local startup ecosystem and is supporting continuous growth and innovation.
The total equity value, which was approximately KRW 21 billion at the time of investment, has more than doubled to approximately KRW 42.5 billion, and the companies that have recovered are continuing to successfully recover their investments, recording an average return of 3.4 times.
In addition, the 'Lycon Startup Investment Association (KRW 3 billion)' and 'Busan Regional Innovation TVS Investment Association No. 1 (KRW 6 billion)' were additionally formed as a result of selection for the Korea Venture Investment Investment Project. Through this, the size of the assets under management (AUM) was expanded to approximately KRW 38 billion, once again proving Series Ventures' fund management capabilities.
Series Ventures, the only TIPS and LIPS operator in the Southeast region, has produced a total of 12 TIPS-selected companies in 2024 and provided a total of KRW 6 billion to technology-based startups. In addition, through the LIPS entrepreneurship program, it has provided a total of KRW 2.4 billion in loan matching to five companies and has been selected as an excellent operator.
In particular, based on these experiences and achievements, we will launch the first startup co-working space in the Southeast region, 'Series X', in 2024, and through this, we will collaborate with various startup ecosystem players such as startup organizations, investment companies, and startups, and spur the creation of regional customized clusters. Based on these activities, we plan to increase the sustainability of the local startup ecosystem and establish it as a center for cooperation and innovation.
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Series Ventures被选为2024年优秀加速器
Series Ventures是一家专门针对东南地区的加速器,于2024年被中小企业和创业部评选为优秀加速器,并继续在当地创业生态系统的发展中发挥主导作用。我们通过投资早期初创企业、运营定制加速计划以及发现各行业的创新公司来振兴当地经济。
一年内,共向27家企业投资了86亿韩元,创历史新高。 63家企业的累计投资业绩为211亿韩元,其中90%以上为初创企业。东南地区。通过这一点,它已成为当地创业生态系统中可靠的运行伙伴,并支持持续增长和创新。
此外,通过被选为韩国风险投资投资项目,还成立了“Lycon创业投资协会(30亿韩元)”和“釜山地区创新Tibes第一投资协会(60亿韩元)”。由此,管理资产规模(AUM)扩大至约380亿韩元,再次证明了Series Ventures的基金管理能力。
Series Ventures是东南部地区唯一的TIPS和LIPS运营商,在2024年总共培育了12家TIPS入选公司,并为技术型初创企业提供了总计60亿韩元的支持。此外,通过创业型小企业发展计划LIPS,我们向5家公司提供了总计24亿韩元的配套贷款,该公司被选为优秀经营者。
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Series Ventures sélectionné comme excellent accélérateur en 2024
Series Ventures, un accélérateur spécialisé dans la région Sud-Est, a été sélectionné comme excellent accélérateur par le ministère des PME et des Startups en 2024 et continue de jouer un rôle de premier plan dans la croissance de l'écosystème des startups locales. Nous revitalisons l'économie locale en investissant dans des start-ups en phase de démarrage, en mettant en œuvre des programmes d'accélération personnalisés et en découvrant des entreprises innovantes dans divers secteurs.
En un an, un total de 8,6 milliards de wons ont été investis dans 27 entreprises, enregistrant la performance la plus élevée jamais réalisée. La performance cumulée des investissements s'élève à un total de 21,1 milliards de wons dans 63 entreprises, dont plus de 90 % sont des startups du pays. Région sud-est. Grâce à cela, elle s’est imposée comme un partenaire fiable dans l’écosystème des startups locales et soutient une croissance et une innovation continues.
La valeur totale des capitaux propres, qui était d'environ 21 milliards de wons au moment de l'investissement, a maintenant plus que doublé pour atteindre environ 42,5 milliards de wons, et la société en convalescence continue de récupérer avec succès son investissement, enregistrant un taux de rendement moyen de 3,4 fois.
En outre, grâce à la sélection en tant que projet d'investissement en capital-risque coréen, la « Lycon Startup Investment Association (3 milliards KRW) » et la « Busan Regional Innovation Tibes Investment Association No. 1 (6 milliards KRW) » ont également été créées. Grâce à cela, la taille des actifs sous gestion (AUM) a été étendue à environ 38 milliards de won, prouvant une fois de plus les capacités de gestion de fonds de Series Ventures.
Series Ventures, qui est le seul opérateur TIPS et LIPS dans la région du sud-est, a produit un total de 12 entreprises sélectionnées par TIPS en 2024 et a soutenu un total de 6 milliards de wons à des startups technologiques. En outre, via LIPS, un programme de développement de petites entreprises entrepreneuriales, nous avons accordé des prêts de contrepartie totalisant 2,4 milliards de won à cinq entreprises, ce qui a permis à l'entreprise d'être sélectionnée comme un excellent opérateur.
En particulier, sur la base de ces expériences et réalisations, nous lancerons des « Séries il y a ». Sur la base de ces activités, nous prévoyons d’augmenter la durabilité de l’écosystème local des startups et de nous établir comme un centre de coopération et d’innovation.
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