한국여성벤처협회는 ‘여성벤처&스타트업 커넥트데이’ 행사를 개최했다고 밝혔다. 이번 행사는 중소벤처기업부의 “경력단절 여성 창업케어 프로그램”과 “여성특화 액셀러레이팅 프로그램” 사업의 일환으로, 초기 여성 스타트업의 지속적인 성장과 협력 네트워크 구축을 위해 마련됐다.
행사의 1부에서는 ‘스타트업 IR’ 세션이 진행돼, 13개 기업이 투자유치를 위한 비즈니스 모델과 성장 전략을 발표했다. 또한, 참석자들은 기업 홍보관을 순회하며 네트워킹을 통해 사업에 대한 이해도를 높이고 투자의향을 공유하는 시간을 가졌다. 별도로 마련된 상담존에서는 BM 전략, 마케팅, 기술특허, 법률·노무 등 다양한 분야의 전문가들이 1:1 맞춤형 컨설팅을 제공했다.
2부에서는 ▲서울대학교 소비트렌드분석센터 이혜원 박사의 오프닝 강연이 진행됐다. 이혜원 박사는 2025년의 트렌드를 예측하고, 새로운 기회를 모색하는 방안을 제시했다. 이어 ▲힐링캠퍼스 더공감 박상미 대표의 강연과 ▲천년식향 안백린 대표의 스타트업 창업 성장 사례 발표가 이어졌으며, 여성 창업가들에게 큰 호응을 얻었다.
또한, 라이브 토크쇼에서는 비자인캠퍼스 이지연 대표, 천년식향 안백린 대표, 아멘토벤처스 박형미 대표가 참여해 여성 스타트업의 경험과 노하우, 비전을 공유하며 다양한 기회를 모색하는 시간을 가졌다. 행사 말미에는 창업자, 투자자, 창업 전문가 간의 협력을 위한 네트워킹 시간도 마련됐다.
한국여성벤처협회 관계자는 “앞으로도 여성 (예비)창업자의 기술 창업과 성장을 지원할 수 있는 다양한 정책과 사업을 계속해서 마련할 것”이라고 밝혔다.
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Korea Women's Venture Association, 'Women's Venture & Startup Connect Day' Ends
The Korea Women Venture Association announced that it held the 'Women's Venture & Startup Connect Day' event. This event was organized as part of the Ministry of SMEs and Startups' "Career-Interrupted Women's Startup Care Program" and "Women-Specialized Acceleration Program" projects to ensure the continuous growth of early-stage women's startups and build cooperative networks.
In the first part of the event, a 'Startup IR' session was held, where 13 companies presented their business models and growth strategies for attracting investment. In addition, attendees toured the company's PR booths and had time to network to increase their understanding of the business and share their investment intentions. In a separate consultation zone, experts from various fields such as BM strategy, marketing, technology patents, and law/labor provided 1:1 customized consulting.
In the second part, ▲Dr. Lee Hye-won of the Consumer Trend Analysis Center at Seoul National University gave an opening lecture. Dr. Lee Hye-won predicted the trends of 2025 and suggested ways to find new opportunities. This was followed by ▲a lecture by Park Sang-mi, CEO of Healing Campus The Empathy, and ▲a presentation on startup growth cases by Ahn Baek-rin, CEO of Millennium Sikhyang, which received a great response from female entrepreneurs.
In addition, the live talk show featured Lee Ji-yeon, CEO of Visaincampus, Ahn Baek-rin, CEO of Cheonnyeonshikhyang, and Park Hyeong-mi, CEO of Amento Ventures, sharing their experiences, know-how, and visions of female startups and exploring various opportunities. At the end of the event, a networking session was also held for collaboration between founders, investors, and startup experts.
An official from the Korea Women Venture Association said, “We will continue to prepare various policies and projects to support the technological start-ups and growth of female (potential) entrepreneurs.”
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- 関連記事をもっと見る
活动第一部分举行了“Startup IR”会议,13 家公司介绍了他们的商业模式和增长战略以吸引投资。此外,与会者还参观了公司的宣传中心,增加了对业务的了解,并通过网络分享了投资意向。在单独的咨询专区,BM策略、营销、技术专利、法律劳动等各领域专家提供1:1定制咨询。
第二部分由首尔国立大学消费者趋势分析中心的 Hyewon Lee 博士做了开幕演讲。 Hyewon Lee 博士预测了 2025 年的趋势,并提出了寻求新机遇的方法。随后,Healing Campus The Konggam首席执行官朴尚美发表了演讲,Millennium Food首席执行官安伯林发表了创业成长案例的演讲,得到了女性企业家的热烈反响。
此外,在现场脱口秀中,Bijain Campus首席执行官李智妍、Millennium Food首席执行官安白林和Amento Ventures首席执行官朴亨美也参与其中,分享了女性初创企业的经验、诀窍和愿景,并探讨各种机会。活动最后还为企业家、投资人和创业专家之间的合作提供了交流时间。
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La Korea Women's Venture Association et la « Journée Women's Venture & Startup Connect » se terminent
La Korea Women's Venture Association a annoncé qu'elle avait organisé l'événement « Women's Venture & Startup Connect Day ». Cet événement a été préparé dans le cadre des projets « Programme de carrière pour les femmes Start-up Care Program » et « Programme d'accélération spécialisé pour les femmes » du ministère des PME et des Startups pour la croissance continue des startups féminines en phase de démarrage et la création d'une coopérative. réseau.
Dans la première partie de l'événement, une session « Startup IR » a eu lieu, au cours de laquelle 13 entreprises ont présenté leurs modèles commerciaux et leurs stratégies de croissance pour attirer les investissements. De plus, les participants ont visité le centre promotionnel de l'entreprise et ont eu le temps d'approfondir leur compréhension de l'entreprise et de partager leurs intentions d'investissement grâce au réseautage. Dans une zone de conseil distincte, des experts dans divers domaines, notamment la stratégie BM, le marketing, les brevets technologiques, ainsi que le droit et le travail, ont fourni des conseils personnalisés 1:1.
Dans la deuxième partie, une conférence d'ouverture a été donnée par le Dr Hyewon Lee du Centre d'analyse des tendances de consommation de l'Université nationale de Séoul. Le Dr Hyewon Lee a prédit les tendances pour 2025 et suggéré des moyens de rechercher de nouvelles opportunités. Cela a été suivi d'une conférence de Park Sang-mi, PDG de Healing Campus The Gonggam, et d'une présentation sur des cas de croissance de startups par Ahn Baek-rin, PDG de Millennium Food, qui a reçu un excellent écho de la part des femmes entrepreneures.
De plus, dans le talk-show en direct, Lee Ji-yeon, PDG du campus Bijain, Ahn Baek-rin, PDG de Millennium Foods, et Park Hyeong-mi, PDG d'Amento Ventures, ont participé, partageant l'expérience, le savoir-faire et la vision des startups féminines et explorant diverses opportunités. A la fin de l'événement, un temps de networking a été prévu pour la coopération entre entrepreneurs, investisseurs et experts en startups.
Un responsable de la Korea Women's Venture Association a déclaré : « Nous continuerons à préparer diverses politiques et projets pour soutenir le démarrage technologique et la croissance des femmes (potentielles) entrepreneurs. »
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