현대바이오사이언스가 보건의료 분야 정책기획통인 배병준 전 국가임상시험지원재단 이사장을 전략 담당 사장으로 영입한다. 배 신임 사장은 오는 2월부터 글로벌 시장을 겨냥한 현대바이오의 신약 개발 및 상업화 기획과 전략을 총괄한다.
배 사장은 현대바이오의 범용 항바이러스제 제프티의 호흡기 감염증, 뎅기열, 엠폭스 등에 대한 글로벌 임상시험 성공과 상업화를 앞당기기 위해 미국 국립보건원(NIH), 식품의약국(FDA) 등 국제기관들과 원활한 협력을 통해 임상의 신속 진행 및 긴급사용승인 획득에 주력할 예정이다.
하버드대 케네디스쿨 석사 과정을 마친 배 사장은 미국 등 해외 인맥도 두터운 것으로 알려졌다. 국내에서도 오랜 보건 분야 근무 경험을 살려 복지부, 식약처, 질병청 등 보건당국과 제프티와 폴리탁셀의 글로벌화를 위한 협력 및 협조체제를 이끌어내는데 기여할 것으로 기대된다.
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Hyundai Bio, Bae Byung-jun appointed as President of Strategy
Hyundai Bioscience is recruiting Bae Byung-joon, former chairman of the National Clinical Trial Support Foundation and an expert in health and medical policy planning, as the president in charge of strategy. Starting in February, the new president will oversee Hyundai Bioscience’s new drug development and commercialization planning and strategy targeting the global market.
To advance the success of global clinical trials and commercialization of Hyundai Bio's general antiviral drug Zefty for respiratory infections, dengue fever, and Empox, CEO Bae plans to focus on rapid clinical progress and obtaining emergency use approval through smooth cooperation with international organizations such as the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
President Bae, who completed his master's degree at Harvard University's Kennedy School, is known to have a strong network of connections overseas, including in the United States. He is expected to contribute to leading a cooperative and collaborative system with health authorities such as the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, and the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency for the globalization of Zefty and Polytaxel by leveraging his long-term experience in the health sector in Korea.
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現代バイオサイエンスが保健医療分野政策企画通人ペ・ビョンジュン前国家臨床試験支援財団理事長を戦略担当社長に迎え入れる 2月からグローバル市場を狙った現代バイオの新薬開発及び商業化企画と戦略を総括する。
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裴总统将与美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)和食品药品监督管理局(FDA)等国际组织顺利合作,加速现代生物呼吸道感染、登革热和MPOX的全球临床试验的成功和商业化通用抗病毒药物 Jeffty 计划重点快速推进临床试验并获得紧急使用批准。
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Hyundai Bio embauche Bae Byung-jun comme président de la stratégie
Hyundai Bioscience a embauché Bae Byung-jun, ancien président de la National Clinical Trial Support Foundation, un planificateur politique dans le domaine de la santé et de la médecine, en tant que président de la stratégie. À partir de février, le nouveau PDG Bae supervisera la planification et la stratégie de développement et de commercialisation de nouveaux médicaments de Hyundai Bio ciblant le marché mondial.
Le président Bae coopérera harmonieusement avec des organisations internationales telles que les National Institutes of Health (NIH) des États-Unis et la Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pour accélérer le succès et la commercialisation des essais cliniques mondiaux sur les infections respiratoires, la dengue et le Mpox pour Hyundai Bio. médicament antiviral à usage général Jeffty Nous prévoyons de nous concentrer sur la progression rapide des essais cliniques et l’obtention d’une approbation d’utilisation d’urgence.
Le président Bae, qui a obtenu sa maîtrise à la Kennedy School de l'Université Harvard, est connu pour entretenir de solides relations à l'étranger, notamment aux États-Unis. En Corée, il devrait mettre à profit sa longue expérience de travail dans le domaine de la santé et contribuer à la création d'un système de coopération et de coopération pour la mondialisation de Zeffty et Polytaxel avec les autorités sanitaires telles que le ministère de la Santé et du Bien-être social, le ministère de l'Alimentation et des Médicaments. sécurité et l'Agence coréenne de contrôle et de prévention des maladies.
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