글룩은 미국 기술 전문지 ‘매뉴팩처링 테크놀로지 인사이트’(Manufacturing Technology Insights)에서 2025 3D 프린팅 제조 서비스 올해의 기업으로 선정됐다고 밝혔다.
매체는 글룩을 올해의 기업으로 선정하며, “11년 간 업계의 전문 지식을 바탕으로 맞춤형 혁신 3D 프린팅 솔루션을 제공하는 기업”이라고 평가했다.
‘매뉴팩처링 테크놀로지 인사이트’는 지난 17년 동안 글로벌 생산기술, 첨단소재, 3D 프린팅, 항공 우주 제조, 방위 산업, IoT 등 다양한 혁신 기술 관련 기사를 다루어온 미국의 기술 전문 매체다.
글룩은 3D 프린팅 스마트팩토리를 구축했으며, 스마트팩토리의 원격 및 자동화 공정을 통해 고정밀 대량 생산 기술을 구현한 점이 이번 선정에 긍정적인 영향을 미친 것으로 보인다.
홍재옥 글룩 대표는 이번 선정에 대해 “글룩의 기술력이 글로벌 전문 매체에서 인정받게 되어 기쁘다”며, “국제적으로 인정받은 3D 프린팅 기술을 바탕으로 산업 전반에 걸쳐 다양한 분야에서 3D 프린팅 기술이 활용될 수 있도록 노력하겠다”고 전했다.
Gluck named '2025 3D Printing Manufacturing Services Company of the Year'
Gluck announced that it was selected as the 2025 3D Printing Manufacturing Services Company of the Year by the American technology magazine Manufacturing Technology Insights.
The publication named Gluck its Company of the Year, calling it “a company that provides customized, innovative 3D printing solutions based on 11 years of industry expertise.”
'Manufacturing Technology Insights' is an American technology media outlet that has covered various innovative technologies such as global production technology, advanced materials, 3D printing, aerospace manufacturing, defense industry, and IoT for the past 17 years.
Gluck built a 3D printing smart factory, and its implementation of high-precision mass production technology through the smart factory's remote and automated processes appears to have had a positive impact on this selection.
Hong Jae-ok, CEO of Gluck, said about this selection, “I am delighted that Gluck’s technological prowess has been recognized by a global professional media outlet,” and “Based on our internationally recognized 3D printing technology, we will work to ensure that 3D printing technology can be utilized in various fields across industries.”
グルック、「2025 3Dプリント製造サービス今年の企業」に選定
グルークは米国技術専門誌「マニュファクチャリングテクノロジーインサイト」(Manufacturing Technology Insights)で2025 3Dプリント製造サービス今年の企業に選ばれたと明らかにした。
Gluck 当选“2025 年度 3D 打印制造服务公司”
Gluck宣布被美国科技杂志《Manufacturing Technology Insights》评选为2025年度3D打印制造服务公司。
《Manufacturing Technology Insight》是一家美国科技媒体,过去 17 年一直报道全球生产技术、先进材料、3D 打印、航空航天制造、国防工业、物联网等各种创新技术的文章。
Gluck sélectionnée comme « Entreprise de services de fabrication d’impression 3D de l’année 2025 »
Gluck a annoncé avoir été sélectionnée comme entreprise de services de fabrication d'impression 3D de l'année 2025 par le magazine technologique américain « Manufacturing Technology Insights ».
Les médias ont sélectionné Gluck comme entreprise de l'année et l'ont évalué comme « une entreprise qui fournit des solutions d'impression 3D personnalisées et innovantes basées sur 11 ans d'expertise industrielle ».
« Manufacturing Technology Insight » est un média technologique américain qui couvre depuis 17 ans des articles sur diverses technologies innovantes telles que la technologie de production mondiale, les matériaux avancés, l'impression 3D, la fabrication aérospatiale, l'industrie de la défense et l'IoT.
Gluck a construit une usine intelligente d'impression 3D, et le fait qu'elle ait mis en œuvre une technologie de production de masse de haute précision via le processus automatisé et à distance de l'usine intelligente semble avoir eu une influence positive sur cette sélection.
Concernant cette sélection, le PDG de Gluck, Hong Jae-ok, a déclaré : « Nous sommes heureux que les prouesses technologiques de Gluck aient été reconnues par les médias professionnels mondiaux », et a ajouté : « Sur la base de notre technologie d'impression 3D reconnue internationalement, nous veillerons à ce que la technologie d'impression 3D soit peut être utilisé dans divers domaines de l’industrie. » « Je ferai de mon mieux », a-t-il déclaré.
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