(재)부산창조경제혁신센터(이하 부산창경)는 지난 22일 롯데호텔 부산에서 2024년 초기창업패키지 선정기업 7개사를 대상으로 대·중견기업과의 오픈이노베이션 프라이빗 밋업을 개최했다고 23일 밝혔다.
이번 행사는 유망 기술을 보유한 창업기업과 대·중견기업을 연결하여 혁신적인 아이디어를 교류하고, 협업 및 사업 제휴 등의 성장 기회를 모색하기 위한 자리였다. 부산창경은 양방향 오픈이노베이션 플랫폼인 ‘스타트업 오픈이노베이션 창구’를 통해 창업기업과 대·중견기업 간 지속 가능한 동반성장 협업 기회를 창출하고자 했다.
행사에는 롯데백화점, 롯데건설, 삼성중공업, 화승케미칼 등 총 4개의 대·중견기업과 2024년 초기창업패키지 선정기업인 주식회사 에이티에이기술(대표 한윤규)을 포함한 7개 창업기업이 참여하여 향후 협력 기회를 논의했다.
참여 기업들은 “대·중견기업과 직접 소통하며 사업화 방향성에 대한 조언을 얻을 수 있었고, 상호 발전 가능한 협력의 첫걸음을 내디뎠다는 점에서 매우 유익한 시간이었다”고 긍정적인 소감을 전했다.
부산창경 송주연 PM은 “이번 밋업데이는 창업기업과 대기업이 상호 발전 가능한 협력의 첫걸음을 내디뎠다는 점에서 의미가 깊은 행사였다”며, “앞으로도 부산창경은 창업기업과 대기업 간 협력 생태계를 강화하고 지속 가능한 혁신 모델을 만들어가기 위해 적극적인 지원과 노력을 계속할 계획”이라고 말했다.
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Busan Changgyeong, '2024 Early Startup Package Open Innovation Meetup Day' held
The Busan Creative Economy Innovation Center (hereinafter referred to as Busan Creative Economy) announced on the 23rd that it held an open innovation private meetup with large and medium-sized companies for the 7 companies selected for the 2024 early startup package at Lotte Hotel Busan on the 22nd.
This event was a place to connect promising startups with large and medium-sized companies to exchange innovative ideas and explore growth opportunities such as collaboration and business partnerships. Busan Changgyeong sought to create sustainable, mutually beneficial collaboration opportunities between startups and large and medium-sized companies through the ‘Startup Open Innovation Window,’ a two-way open innovation platform.
A total of four large and medium-sized companies, including Lotte Department Store, Lotte Construction, Samsung Heavy Industries, and Hwaseung Chemical, and seven startups, including ATA Technology Co., Ltd. (CEO Han Yoon-gyu), a company selected for the 2024 Early Startup Package, participated in the event and discussed future cooperation opportunities.
Participating companies shared positive feedback, saying, “It was a very beneficial time in that we were able to directly communicate with large and medium-sized companies and receive advice on the direction of commercialization, and take the first step toward cooperation that can lead to mutual growth.”
Busan Changgyeong PM Song Joo-yeon said, “This Meetup Day was a meaningful event in that it marked the first step toward cooperation where startups and large corporations can develop together,” and added, “In the future, Busan Changgyeong plans to continue to provide active support and efforts to strengthen the cooperation ecosystem between startups and large corporations and create a sustainable innovation model.”
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釜山创意经济创新中心(以下简称釜山昌庆) 23日宣布,22日在釜山乐天酒店为入选2024年初始创业计划的7家企业举办了与大中型企业的开放式创新私人见面会。
乐天百货、乐天建设、三星重工、和承化学等4家大中型企业,以及ATA Technology Co., Ltd.(CEO Yoon-gyu Han)等7家初创企业入选2024年初始启动计划,参加了此次活动,为未来的合作提供了讨论的机会。
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Busan Changkyung organise la « Journée de rencontre sur l'innovation ouverte 2024 Early Startup Package »
Le Centre d'innovation pour l'économie créative de Busan (ci-après dénommé Busan Changkyung) a annoncé le 23 avoir organisé une rencontre privée d'innovation ouverte avec des grandes et moyennes entreprises au Lotte Hotel Busan le 22 pour 7 entreprises sélectionnées pour le package de démarrage initial 2024. .
Cet événement a été conçu pour connecter les startups aux technologies prometteuses et les grandes et moyennes entreprises afin d'échanger des idées innovantes et d'explorer des opportunités de croissance telles que la collaboration et les partenariats commerciaux. Busan Changkyung cherchait à créer des opportunités de collaboration en matière de croissance partagée et durable entre les start-ups et les grandes et moyennes entreprises par le biais de la « Startup Open Innovation Window », une plateforme d'innovation ouverte bidirectionnelle.
Au total, 4 grandes et moyennes entreprises, dont Lotte Department Store, Lotte Construction, Samsung Heavy Industries et Hwaseung Chemical, et 7 startups, dont ATA Technology Co., Ltd. (PDG Yoon-gyu Han), une société sélectionné pour le package de démarrage initial 2024, a participé à l'événement, offrant des opportunités de coopération future discutées.
Les entreprises participantes ont exprimé des sentiments positifs, déclarant : « Ce fut une période très bénéfique dans la mesure où nous avons pu communiquer directement avec des entreprises de grande et moyenne taille et recevoir des conseils sur l'orientation de la commercialisation, et faire le premier pas vers une coopération qui peut conduire à développement mutuel. »
Le Premier ministre de Busan Changkyung, Song Joo-yeon, a déclaré : « Cette journée de rencontre a été un événement significatif dans la mesure où les startups et les grandes entreprises ont fait le premier pas vers une coopération pouvant conduire à un développement mutuel. » Il a ajouté : « À l'avenir, Busan Changkyung continuera à le faire. » renforcer l’écosystème coopératif entre les startups et les grandes entreprises. « Nous prévoyons de poursuivre notre soutien actif et nos efforts pour créer un modèle d’innovation durable », a-t-il déclaré.
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