빅무브벤처스(대표이사 정훈재)는 투자포트폴리오기업의 후속투자처 발굴과 협업기관 네트워크 구축 지원을 위한 IR 데모데이 행사를 개최했다고 24일 밝혔다.
25년도 빅무브벤처스의 첫 행사로 기획된 본 데모데이에는 근골격계질환 디지털 재활치료 솔루션기업 에버엑스(대표이사 윤찬), AI기반 개인맞춤 대사이상 지방간질환 관리 치료기기 닥터코치 운영사인 바이오뉴트리온(대표이사 김주영)과 천연물 가공 핵심 원천기술을 보유한 비네이처바이오랩 등 9개의 기업이 참여했다.
정훈재 빅무브벤처스 대표는 “빅무브벤처스는 투자기업의 비즈니스모델 고도화를 위한 부민병원그룹의 전략적인 지원외에도 다양한 외부기관들과의 네트워킹을 통한 포트폴리오 기업의 성장을 지원하겠다”고 밝혔다.
빅무브벤처스는 이번 행사외에도 월간 IR데이를 통한 신규투자처 발굴도 적극적으로 진행하고 있으며, 올해투자를 위한 신규 펀드결성도 진행중이다.
또한 정원혜 부민병원그룹 전략기획본부장은 “부민병원그룹은 빅무브벤처스와 투자포트폴리오 기업들의 상생과 동반성장이라는 두가지 목표를 동시에 달성할 수 있도록 다각도에서 업무를 지원할 것”이라고 전했다.
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BigMove Ventures, Thezone and Investment Company IR Demo Day Jointly Held
Big Move Ventures (CEO Hoonjae Jeong) announced on the 24th that it held an IR Demo Day event to support the discovery of follow-up investment destinations for investment portfolio companies and the establishment of a network of collaborative organizations.
This demo day, planned as the first event of Big Move Ventures in 25 years, was attended by 9 companies including EverX (CEO Chan Yoon), a digital rehabilitation treatment solution company for musculoskeletal diseases, Bionutrion (CEO Jooyoung Kim), the operator of Doctor Coach, an AI-based personalized metabolic disorder fatty liver disease management treatment device, and Vinature Biolab, which possesses core original technology for natural product processing.
Jung Hoon-jae, CEO of Big Move Ventures, said, “In addition to providing strategic support to Bumin Hospital Group for the advancement of the business models of invested companies, Big Move Ventures will support the growth of portfolio companies through networking with various external organizations.”
In addition to this event, Big Move Ventures is also actively seeking out new investment opportunities through monthly IR days, and is also in the process of forming a new fund for this year's investment.
In addition, Jeongwon Hye, head of the strategic planning division of Bumin Hospital Group, said, “Bumin Hospital Group will support work from various angles so that Big Move Ventures and its investment portfolio companies can achieve the two goals of mutual growth and mutual prosperity at the same time.”
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Big Move Ventures 与 Douzone 共同为投资公司举办 IR 演示日
Big Move Ventures(首席执行官郑勋宰) 24日宣布,将举办IR演示日活动,以支持投资组合公司发现后续投资地点并建立协作组织网络。
本次演示日计划作为 Big Move Ventures 在 2025 年的首次活动,邀请了肌肉骨骼疾病数字康复治疗解决方案公司 EverX(首席执行官 Yoon Chan)和基于人工智能的 Doctor Coach 运营商 Bionutrion(首席执行官)脂肪肝疾病个性化代谢紊乱管理治疗装置,包括金柱英主任在内的九家公司参与,以及拥有天然产物加工关键源技术的B-Nature Biolab。
Big Move Ventures 首席执行官 Hoonjae Jeong 表示:“除了富民医院集团为增强投资公司的业务模式提供战略支持外,Big Move Ventures 还将通过与各种外部组织建立联系来支持投资组合公司的发展。”
除了本次活动之外,Big Move Ventures 还通过每月的 IR 日积极探索新的投资机会,并且还正在为今年的投资组建新基金。
此外,富民医院集团战略规划部部长郑元惠表示:“富民医院集团将从各个角度支持Big Move Ventures和投资组合公司的工作,使他们能够同时实现共存和共存两个目标。”共同成长。”
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Big Move Ventures co-organise l'IR Demo Day pour les sociétés d'investissement avec Douzone
Big Move Ventures (PDG Jeong Hoon-jae) a annoncé le 24 avoir organisé un événement IR Demo Day pour aider les sociétés de portefeuille d'investissement à découvrir des sites d'investissement de suivi et à construire un réseau d'organisations collaboratives.
Cette journée de démonstration, prévue comme le premier événement de Big Move Ventures en 2025, mettait en vedette EverX (PDG Yoon Chan), une société de solutions numériques de traitement de rééducation pour les maladies musculo-squelettiques, et Bionutrion (PDG), opérateur de Doctor Coach, une société basée sur l'IA. dispositif personnalisé de traitement de la gestion des troubles métaboliques pour la stéatose hépatique. Neuf entreprises ont participé, dont le directeur Kim Joo-young) et B-Nature Biolab, qui possède des technologies sources clés pour la transformation des produits naturels.
Hoonjae Jeong, PDG de Big Move Ventures, a déclaré : « En plus du soutien stratégique du Bumin Hospital Group pour améliorer le modèle commercial des sociétés d'investissement, Big Move Ventures soutiendra la croissance des sociétés du portefeuille grâce à la mise en réseau avec diverses organisations externes.
En plus de cet événement, Big Move Ventures explore activement de nouvelles opportunités d'investissement lors de journées IR mensuelles et est également en train de créer un nouveau fonds pour l'investissement de cette année.
En outre, Jeong Won-hye, chef de la division de planification stratégique du Bumin Hospital Group, a déclaré : « Bumin Hospital Group soutiendra le travail de Big Move Ventures et des sociétés de portefeuille d'investissement sous différents angles afin qu'ils puissent simultanément atteindre les deux objectifs de coexistence et croissance mutuelle.
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