전문의약품 생산 기업 제론셀베인은 연세대학교 백양누리에서 개최된 ‘2025 PDRN 심포지엄’을 성황리에 마무리했다고 10일 밝혔다.
이번 PDRN 심포지엄은 500여명의 국내외 전문의들이 참석해 폴리데옥시리보뉴클레오티드(PDRN)를 주제로 치과 치료 분야에서 PDRN의 우수성 및 임상 적용 사례에 대해 심도 깊은 지견을 공유하고 논의했다.
연자로는 국내 저명한 구기태 서울대학교치과병원 교수, 권용대 경희대학교치과병원 교수, 김성언 세종치과 원장, 김용진 예스미르치과 원장, 윤종일 연치과 원장이 나섰다.
각 연자는 ▲PDRN의 기본적인 기전 ▲PDRN을 이용한 합병증 관리 ▲PDRN을 이용한 난케이스 극복 ▲치주질환치료에 있어서의 PDRN을 활용한 면역학적 접근 ▲개원가에서 활용 가능한 PDRN 임상케이스 ▲PDRN의 정확한 이해 및 임상적용을 발표해 임상 경험과 연구 결과를 바탕으로 깊이 있는 정보를 제공했다.
각 분야의 전문가들은 최신 임상 결과 및 PDRN의 효능과 안전성에 관한 연구를 공유하며 다양한 임상 연구 및 실험 결과를 발표했다.
실제 임상에서의 적용 사례와 새로운 치료 접근법에 대한 토론이 이어지며 향후 연구 및 산업화 가능성에 대한 기대감을 높였다.
제론셀베인의 ‘셀베인주’는 PDRN의 항염 및 통증감소 기전을 활용해 염증 관련 인자를 억제하고 항염증 인자를 증가시켜 염증과 통증을 동시에 잡아준다.
특히 ‘셀베인주’는 균일한 크기의 핵산 단편을 제조하는 특허 기술인 ‘프리즘테크놀로지(Prism-T)’를 기반으로 화학물질을 사용하지 않는 유일한 제품으로 안전성에서 뛰어나다.
제론셀베인은 심포지엄을 통해 하반기 출시 예정인 골내주사기 ‘소프트힐(Soft heel)’에 대해 설명하고 시연하며 전문의들로부터 큰 관심을 이끌었다.
윤종일 PDRN 면역 재생 치의학연구회 부회장 및 연치과 원장은 면역과 치과 임상이 어떻게 연관돼 있는지 설명하며 “현재 국내 및 해외에서 PDRN은 관심도가 높아지고 있어 PDRN의 혁신적인 가능성을 확인할 수 있었다”고 전했다.
이어 “PDRN이 임상적으로 주목받는 이유는 기존 항생제 치료와 비교했을 경우 염증을 조절하고 조직을 재생해 부작용이 적어 환자의 치유를 효과적으로 촉진시키는 것을 확인했다”며 “PDRN 면역 재생 치의학연구회에서 관련 연구가 활발하게 이루어지고 있다”고 강조했다.
서울대학교치과병원 교수 및 Journal of Clinical Periodontology 편집위원으로 위촉된 구기태 교수는 치주 영역에서의 적용 가능한 성장인자(growth factors), 즉 rhBMP-2, PDRN, 히알루론산(Hyaluronic acid), 표피성장인자(Epidermal growth factor, EGF), 혈소판유래성장인자(Platelet-derived growth factor, PDGF), Copine7 중에서 최근 치과계에서 많은 관심을 가지고 있는 PDRN에 대해 직접 발표한 논문 중심으로 설명을 진행했다.
특히 아직 발표되지는 않았으나 서울대학교치과병원에서 진행하고 있는 임플란트 주위염에 ‘셀베인주’ 골내 주사 시 치료 효과에 대한 중간 연구 결과를 발표해 많은 청중의 주목을 받았다.
김덕규 제론셀베인 대표는 “의사로써 환자를 진료하며 10년 전부터 PDRN에 대한 개발을 시작했다”며 “당시에는 PDRN 원개발사인 이탈리아 마스텔리(Mastelli)사가 시장을 선도했지만 현재 제론셀베인은 기존 제조 방식인 고열과 유해 케미컬을 사용해 추출하는 방식이 아닌 케미컬을 사용하지 않는 저온 추출법으로 고순도 PDRN을 생산하는 데 성공해 시장에서 주목받고 있다”고 강조했다.
이어 “셀베인주는 임상시험에서 고지혈증, 알레르기성 비염, 환경성 피부염, 간 수치 이상 등의 문제가 개선됐으며 치과 치료를 비롯해 디스크 치료 및 수술 후 회복 과정에서도 효과를 볼 수 있었다”며 “셀베인주는 임상을 하는 의사들이 만든 최초의 PDRN으로 신경 세포에 대한 재생에도 탁월해 셀베인주를 활용한 병원만의 프로그램을 만들어 환자들에게 적용할 경우 우수한 효과를 통해 환자와 병원의 만족도가 높을 것으로 기대된다”고 덧붙였다.
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Jeronselbein, '2025 PDRN Symposium' concluded
Jeroncellvein , a specialized pharmaceutical manufacturing company, announced on the 10th that it successfully concluded the '2025 PDRN Symposium' held at Baekyangnuri, Yonsei University.
This PDRN symposium was attended by approximately 500 domestic and international specialists, who shared and discussed in-depth opinions on the excellence of PDRN and clinical application cases in the field of dental treatment with the theme of polydeoxyribonucleotide (PDRN).
The speakers included renowned domestic professors Gu Ki-tae of Seoul National University Dental Hospital, Kwon Yong-dae of Kyunghee University Dental Hospital, Kim Seong-eon, director of Sejong Dental Hospital, Kim Yong-jin, director of Yesmir Dental Hospital, and Yoon Jong-il, director of Yeon Dental Hospital.
Each speaker presented ▲basic mechanism of PDRN ▲complication management using PDRN ▲overcoming difficult cases using PDRN ▲immunological approach using PDRN in periodontal disease treatment ▲PDRN clinical cases that can be utilized in private practice ▲accurate understanding and clinical application of PDRN, providing in-depth information based on clinical experience and research results.
Experts in each field shared the latest clinical results and research on the efficacy and safety of PDRN, and presented various clinical research and experimental results.
The discussion continued with practical clinical applications and new treatment approaches, raising expectations for future research and industrialization possibilities.
Geroncellbein's 'Celbeinju' utilizes the anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing mechanisms of PDRN to suppress inflammation-related factors and increase anti-inflammatory factors to simultaneously control inflammation and pain.
In particular, 'Selbainju' is the only product that does not use chemicals and is excellent in safety as it is based on 'Prism Technology (Prism-T),' a patented technology that manufactures nucleic acid fragments of uniform size.
At the symposium, Jeronselbein explained and demonstrated the intraosseous syringe 'Soft heel', which is scheduled to be released in the second half of the year, drawing great interest from specialists.
Yoon Jong-il, Vice President of the PDRN Immune Regenerative Dentistry Research Association and Director of the Yeon Dental Clinic, explained how immunity and dental clinical practice are related and said, “Currently, interest in PDRN is increasing both domestically and internationally, and we were able to confirm the innovative potential of PDRN.”
He continued, “The reason PDRN is receiving clinical attention is because, compared to existing antibiotic treatments, it effectively promotes healing in patients by controlling inflammation and regenerating tissues, with fewer side effects,” and emphasized, “Related research is actively being conducted by the PDRN Immune Regenerative Dentistry Research Group.”
Professor Ki-Tae Koo, who was appointed as a professor at Seoul National University Dental Hospital and an editorial member of the Journal of Clinical Periodontology, gave an explanation centered on papers he personally presented about growth factors applicable to the periodontal field, namely rhBMP-2, PDRN, hyaluronic acid, epidermal growth factor (EGF), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), and Copine7, among which PDRN has recently attracted much attention in the dental field.
In particular, the results of an interim study on the therapeutic effect of intraosseous injection of 'Selvainju' for peri-implantitis, which is being conducted at Seoul National University Dental Hospital, have attracted much attention, although they have not been announced yet.
Kim Deok-gyu, CEO of Geroncelvein, emphasized, “As a doctor, I started developing PDRN 10 years ago while treating patients.” He continued, “At the time, the Italian company Mastelli, the original developer of PDRN, led the market, but Geroncelvein is currently attracting attention in the market for successfully producing high-purity PDRN with a low-temperature extraction method that does not use chemicals, rather than the existing manufacturing method of high heat and hazardous chemicals.”
He continued, “In clinical trials, Selvain Injection showed improvement in hyperlipidemia, allergic rhinitis, environmental dermatitis, and abnormal liver function, and was also effective in dental treatment, disc treatment, and post-surgical recovery.” He added, “Selvain Injection is the first PDRN created by doctors who practice medicine, and is also excellent for nerve cell regeneration. If a hospital creates its own program using Selvain Injection and applies it to patients, we expect that the satisfaction of both patients and hospitals will increase due to the excellent effects.”
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ジェロン・セルベイン、「2025 PDRNシンポジウム」仕上げ
専門医薬品生産企業ジェロン・セルベインは延世大学白陽ヌリで開催された「2025 PDRNシンポジウム」を盛況裏に終えたと10日明らかにした。
各演者は、▲PDRNの基本的なメカニズム▲PDRNを利用した合併症の管理▲PDRNを利用した難ケースの克服 ▲歯周疾患治療におけるPDRNを活用した免疫学的アプローチ ▲個体で活用可能なPDRN臨床ケース ▲PDRNの正確な理解と臨床適用を発表した臨床経験。
ソウル大学歯科病院教授およびJournal of Clinical Periodontology編集委員に委嘱された旧気態教授は歯周領域での適用可能な成長因子(growth factors)、すなわちrhBMP-2、PDRN、ヒアルロン酸(Hyaluronic acid)、表皮成長因子(Peder -derived growth factor, PDGF), Copine7の中で最近歯科系で多くの関心を持っているPDRNについて直接発表した論文中心に説明を進めた。
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Jeronselbein,“2025 PDRN 研讨会”落下帷幕
专业制药企业Jeroncellvein10日表示,在延世大学白杨里校区举办的“2025 PDRN研讨会”圆满结束。
Geroncellbein 的“Celbeinju”利用 PDRN 的抗炎和止痛机制,抑制炎症相关因素并增加抗炎因子,从而同时控制炎症和疼痛。
研讨会上,Jeronselbein讲解并演示了计划于下半年上市的骨内注射装置‘Soft heel’,引起了与会专家的极大兴趣。
他继续说道:“在临床试验中,Selvain 注射液对高脂血症、过敏性鼻炎、环境性皮炎和肝功能异常均有改善,在牙科治疗、椎间盘治疗和术后恢复方面也非常有效。”他补充道:“Selvain 注射液是首个由行医医生发明的 PDRN,对神经细胞再生也非常有效。如果医院使用 Selvain 注射液创建自己的方案并将其应用于患者,我们预计患者和医院的满意度都会因出色的效果而提高。”
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Jeronselbein, clôture du « Symposium PDRN 2025 »
Jeroncellvein , une société de fabrication pharmaceutique spécialisée, a annoncé le 10 avoir conclu avec succès le « Symposium PDRN 2025 » organisé à Baekyangnuri, à l'Université Yonsei.
Ce symposium PDRN a réuni environ 500 spécialistes nationaux et internationaux, qui ont partagé et discuté en profondeur des opinions sur l'excellence du PDRN et des cas d'application clinique dans le domaine du traitement dentaire avec le thème du polydésoxyribonucléotide (PDRN).
Parmi les intervenants figuraient les professeurs nationaux renommés Gu Ki-tae de l'hôpital dentaire de l'université nationale de Séoul, Kwon Yong-dae de l'hôpital dentaire de l'université Kyunghee, Kim Seong-eon, directeur de l'hôpital dentaire Sejong, Kim Yong-jin, directeur de l'hôpital dentaire Yesmir, et Yoon Jong-il, directeur de l'hôpital dentaire Yeon.
Chaque intervenant a présenté ▲le mécanisme de base du PDRN ▲la gestion des complications à l'aide du PDRN ▲la résolution des cas difficiles à l'aide du PDRN ▲l'approche immunologique utilisant le PDRN dans le traitement des maladies parodontales ▲les cas cliniques du PDRN qui peuvent être utilisés en pratique privée ▲la compréhension précise et l'application clinique du PDRN, fournissant des informations approfondies basées sur l'expérience clinique et les résultats de la recherche.
Des experts dans chaque domaine ont partagé les derniers résultats cliniques et recherches sur l’efficacité et la sécurité du PDRN, et ont présenté diverses recherches cliniques et résultats expérimentaux.
La discussion s’est poursuivie avec des applications cliniques pratiques et de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques, suscitant des attentes quant aux possibilités futures de recherche et d’industrialisation.
Le « Celbeinju » de Geroncellbein utilise les mécanismes anti-inflammatoires et de réduction de la douleur du PDRN pour supprimer les facteurs liés à l'inflammation et augmenter les facteurs anti-inflammatoires pour contrôler simultanément l'inflammation et la douleur.
En particulier, « Selbainju » est le seul produit qui n’utilise pas de produits chimiques et qui est excellent en matière de sécurité car il est basé sur la « technologie Prism (Prism-T) », une technologie brevetée qui fabrique des fragments d’acide nucléique de taille uniforme.
Lors du symposium, Jeronselbein a expliqué et présenté le dispositif d'injection intraosseuse « Soft Heel », dont la commercialisation est prévue au cours du second semestre de l'année et qui suscite un grand intérêt de la part des spécialistes.
Yoon Jong-il, vice-président de l'Association de recherche en dentisterie régénératrice immunitaire PDRN et directeur de la clinique dentaire Yeon, a expliqué le lien entre l'immunité et la pratique clinique dentaire et a déclaré : « Actuellement, l'intérêt pour le PDRN augmente tant au niveau national qu'international, et nous avons pu confirmer le potentiel d'innovation du PDRN. »
Il a poursuivi : « La raison pour laquelle le PDRN reçoit une attention clinique est que, par rapport aux traitements antibiotiques existants, il favorise efficacement la guérison des patients en contrôlant l'inflammation et en régénérant les tissus, avec moins d'effets secondaires », soulignant : « Des recherches connexes sont activement menées par le groupe de recherche en dentisterie régénératrice immunitaire du PDRN. »
Le professeur Ki-Tae Koo, qui a été nommé professeur à l'hôpital dentaire de l'université nationale de Séoul et membre éditorial du Journal of Clinical Periodontology, a donné une explication centrée sur les articles qu'il a personnellement présentés sur les facteurs de croissance applicables au domaine parodontal, à savoir rhBMP-2, PDRN, acide hyaluronique, facteur de croissance épidermique (EGF), facteur de croissance dérivé des plaquettes (PDGF) et Copine7, parmi lesquels PDRN a récemment attiré beaucoup d'attention dans le domaine dentaire.
En particulier, bien que cela n'ait pas encore été annoncé, les résultats d'une étude intermédiaire sur l'effet thérapeutique de l'injection intraosseuse de « Selvainju » pour la péri-implantite menée à l'hôpital dentaire de l'université nationale de Séoul ont été annoncés, attirant beaucoup d'attention de la part du public.
Kim Deok-gyu, PDG de Geroncelvein, a souligné : « En tant que médecin, j'ai commencé à développer le PDRN il y a 10 ans alors que je traitais des patients. » Il a poursuivi : « À l'époque, la société italienne Mastelli, le développeur original du PDRN, était leader du marché, mais Geroncelvein attire actuellement l'attention du marché pour avoir réussi à produire du PDRN de haute pureté avec une méthode d'extraction à basse température qui n'utilise pas de produits chimiques, plutôt que la méthode de fabrication existante à haute température et à base de produits chimiques dangereux. »
Il a poursuivi : « Dans les essais cliniques, l’injection de Selvain a montré une amélioration de l’hyperlipidémie, de la rhinite allergique, de la dermatite environnementale et de la fonction hépatique anormale, et s’est également avérée efficace dans le traitement dentaire, le traitement des disques et la récupération post-opératoire. » Il a ajouté : « L’injection de Selvain est le premier PDRN créé par des médecins qui pratiquent la médecine et est également excellent pour la régénération des cellules nerveuses. Si un hôpital crée son propre programme utilisant l’injection de Selvain et l’applique aux patients, nous nous attendons à ce que la satisfaction des patients et des hôpitaux augmente en raison des excellents effets. »
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