기보, 중소기업융합인천부천김포연합회와 업무협약 체결

기술보증기금(이사장 김종호, 이하 기보)과 (사)중소기업융합인천부천김포연합회(회장 이헌구, 이하 연합회)는 11일 인천 미추홀타워에서 ‘중소기업의 기술혁신 촉진과 금융지원 강화를 위한 업무협약’을 체결했다고 밝혔다.

이번 협약은 양 기관이 상호 유기적인 협력체계를 구축하여 인천·부천·김포지역의 우수 중소·벤처기업을 발굴하고, 중소기업 지원 프로그램을 연계하여 지역 기반 우수기술기업을 적극 육성하기 위해 마련됐다.

협약에 따라 양 기관은 지역 내 소재·부품 전문기업 등을 발굴하여, ▲중소기업 금융지원 강화 ▲교육·컨설팅 등 종합지원 전반에 대한 정보 공유 ▲중소기업 육성을 위한 전문 인력 공유 및 정책 개발 ▲중소기업 지원 사업 홍보 효과 확대 등 맞춤형 협업을 통해 지역 우수기술기업의 성공적인 도약을 이끌 예정이다.

또한 양 기관은 전문적인 역량을 바탕으로 지역 우수기술기업에 대한 상호 정보교류를 통해 시너지 효과를 창출하고, 기보의 개방형 기술거래 플랫폼인 ‘스마트 테크브릿지’를 활용하여 지역 내 기술 기반 혁신성장 생태계 조성에도 적극 나서기로 했다.

기보는 2014년 기술거래 전담조직을 설치하고 기술거래사업을 시작하여 지난해까지 약 5,800여 곳의 중소·벤처기업에 9,800여 건의 기술이전을 지원하며, 중소기업의 개방형 기술혁신 지원에 앞장서고 있다.

협약식에 참석한 심성학 기보 인천지역본부장은 “이번 협약을 통해 지역 내 우수 중소·벤처기업에 대한 기술혁신 및 단계별 지원방안이 마련되었다”며, “기보는 앞으로도 유관기관과 협력을 강화하여, 지역 우수기술기업의 성공적인 창업과 혁신성장을 뒷받침하는 종합지원기관의 역할을 다하겠다”고 밝혔다.


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Kibo, Small and Medium Business Convergence Incheon-Bucheon-Gimpo Union Signs Business Agreement

The Korea Technology Finance Corporation (KTFC) (Chairman Kim Jong-ho, hereinafter referred to as KIBO) and the Incheon-Bucheon-Gimpo Small and Medium Business Convergence Association (Chairman Lee Heon-goo, hereinafter referred to as the Association) announced on the 11th that they signed a 'Business Agreement to Promote Technological Innovation and Strengthen Financial Support for Small and Medium Businesses' at Michuhol Tower in Incheon.

This agreement was prepared to establish an organic cooperative system between the two organizations to discover excellent small and medium-sized enterprises and venture companies in the Incheon, Bucheon, and Gimpo regions and to actively foster excellent regional technology companies by linking small and medium-sized enterprise support programs.

According to the agreement, the two organizations will discover local material and component specialists and lead the successful leap forward of excellent local technology companies through customized collaboration, including ▲strengthening financial support for SMEs ▲sharing information on comprehensive support including education and consulting ▲sharing professional manpower and developing policies to foster SMEs ▲expanding the publicity effect of SME support projects.

In addition, the two organizations agreed to create synergy effects through mutual information exchange on excellent local technology companies based on their professional capabilities, and to actively promote the creation of a technology-based innovation growth ecosystem in the region by utilizing Kibo’s open technology transaction platform, ‘Smart Tech Bridge.’

Kibo established a technology transaction organization in 2014 and began its technology transaction business. As of last year, it has supported approximately 9,800 cases of technology transfer to approximately 5,800 small and medium-sized and venture companies, and is leading the way in supporting open technology innovation for small and medium-sized companies.

Sim Seong-hak, head of the Incheon branch of Kibo, who attended the signing ceremony, said, “Through this agreement, a plan for technological innovation and step-by-step support for excellent small and medium-sized and venture companies in the region has been established,” and, “Kibo will continue to strengthen cooperation with related organizations and fulfill its role as a comprehensive support organization that supports the successful startup and innovative growth of excellent local technology companies.”

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協約により、両機関は地域内の素材・部品専門企業などを発掘し、▲中小企業金融支援強化▲教育・コンサルティングなど総合支援全般に対する情報共有 ▲中小企業育成のための専門人材共有及び政策開発




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此外,两家机构同意,通过基于专业能力的优秀本地科技公司相互信息交换,创造协同效应,并利用Kibo的开放式技术交易平台“Smart Tech Bridge”,积极推动该地区基于技术创新增长生态系统的创建。

Kibo 于 2014 年成立技术交易机构,开展技术交易业务。截至去年,已向约 5,800 家中小企业及创业公司提供了约 9,800 项技术转让支持,在支持中小企业开放式技术创新方面处于领先地位。


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Kibo et le syndicat de convergence des petites et moyennes entreprises Incheon-Bucheon-Gimpo signent un accord commercial

La Korea Technology Finance Corporation (KTFC) (président Kim Jong-ho, ci-après dénommée KIBO) et l'Incheon-Bucheon-Gimpo Small and Medium Business Convergence Association (président Lee Heon-goo, ci-après dénommée l'Association) ont annoncé le 11 avoir signé un « Accord commercial pour promouvoir l'innovation technologique et renforcer le soutien financier aux petites et moyennes entreprises » à la Michuhol Tower à Incheon.

Cet accord a été préparé pour établir un système de coopération organique entre les deux organisations afin de découvrir d'excellentes petites et moyennes entreprises et sociétés de capital-risque dans les régions d'Incheon, Bucheon et Gimpo et de favoriser activement d'excellentes entreprises technologiques régionales en reliant les programmes de soutien aux petites et moyennes entreprises.

Selon l'accord, les deux organisations découvriront des spécialistes locaux en matériaux et composants et mèneront à bien l'essor d'excellentes entreprises technologiques locales grâce à une collaboration personnalisée, notamment en renforçant le soutien financier aux PME, en partageant des informations sur un soutien complet, y compris l'éducation et le conseil, en partageant la main-d'œuvre professionnelle et en élaborant des politiques pour encourager les PME, et en élargissant l'effet publicitaire des projets de soutien aux PME.

En outre, les deux organisations ont convenu de créer des effets de synergie grâce à un échange mutuel d’informations sur les excellentes entreprises technologiques locales en fonction de leurs capacités professionnelles, et de promouvoir activement la création d’un écosystème de croissance de l’innovation basée sur la technologie dans la région en utilisant la plateforme de transaction technologique ouverte de Kibo, « Smart Tech Bridge ».

Kibo a créé une organisation de transactions technologiques en 2014 et a démarré son activité de transactions technologiques. Depuis l'année dernière, elle a soutenu environ 9 800 cas de transfert de technologie vers environ 5 800 PME et entreprises à capital-risque, et ouvre la voie en matière de soutien à l'innovation technologique ouverte pour les PME.

Sim Seong-hak, directeur de la succursale d'Incheon de Kibo, qui a assisté à la cérémonie de signature, a déclaré : « Grâce à cet accord, un plan d'innovation technologique et de soutien étape par étape aux excellentes petites et moyennes entreprises et aux entreprises à capital-risque de la région a été établi », et « Kibo continuera de renforcer la coopération avec les organisations concernées et de remplir son rôle d'organisation de soutien globale qui soutient le démarrage réussi et la croissance innovante d'excellentes entreprises technologiques locales. »

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