모두싸인, 전남신용보증재단에 ‘모두싸인 공공용’ 공급

(주)모두싸인은 전남신용보증재단(이하 재단)에 클라우드 기반 공공기관용 전자서명 서비스 ‘모두싸인 공공용’을 공급했다고 18일 밝혔다. 이번 공급은 재단의 ESG(Environmental, Social, Governance) 경영 실현과 내부 행정 혁신을 위한 일환으로 진행됐다.

재단은 경영지원팀을 중심으로 임직원 근로·연봉계약서, 개인정보제공동의서, 보안서약서 등 주요 인사 문서를 전자화하여 업무 효율성과 투명성을 높이고 있다. 최근에는 채용공고 관련 직무기술서 및 별첨서류의 작성·제출 과정에 모두싸인 전자서명 솔루션을 적용해 채용 전반의 서류 관리 체계를 개선했다.

재단의 한 관계자는 “ESG 경영은 내부 행정의 디지털 전환을 통해 투명하고 효율적인 운영을 구축하는 핵심 전략”이라며, “모두싸인 도입으로 재단의 업무 프로세스가 한층 체계화되었으며, 향후 수의 계약 시 수기 서류 처리를 비대면 계약기능을 활용해 디지털로 전환할 예정”이라고 말했다.

전남신용보증재단은 이번 전자서명 기반의 디지털 전환을 계기로 ESG 경영 강화를 추진하고 있으며, 내부 거버넌스 체계의 혁신적 개선을 목표로 향후 공공 부문에서 모범적인 ESG 경영 사례로 자리매김할 계획이다.


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Allsign, Jeonnam Credit Guarantee Foundation supplies 'Allsign Public'

Modusign Co., Ltd. announced on the 18th that it had supplied ‘Modusign Public’, a cloud-based electronic signature service for public institutions, to the Jeonnam Credit Guarantee Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the Foundation). This supply was carried out as part of the Foundation’s efforts to realize ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) management and innovate internal administration.

The foundation is digitizing key personnel documents such as employee employment and salary contracts, personal information provision consent forms, and security pledges, centered around the management support team, to improve work efficiency and transparency. Recently, the foundation has improved the document management system for the entire recruitment process by applying the Allsign electronic signature solution to the process of writing and submitting job descriptions and attached documents related to recruitment announcements.

An official from the foundation said, “ESG management is a key strategy to establish transparent and efficient operations through digital transformation of internal administration,” and “With the introduction of Modusign, the foundation’s work processes have become more systematized, and in the future, when signing contracts, we plan to convert manual document processing to digital by utilizing the non-face-to-face contract function.”

Jeonnam Credit Guarantee Foundation is using this digital transformation based on electronic signatures as an opportunity to strengthen ESG management and plans to establish itself as an exemplary ESG management case in the public sector in the future with the goal of innovatively improving the internal governance system.

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(株)すべてサインは全南信用保証財団(以下財団)にクラウドベースの公共機関用電子署名サービス「すべてサイン公共用」を供給したと18日明らかにした。今回の供給は財団のESG(Environmental, Social, Governance)経営の実現と内部行政革新のための一環として行われた。




  • 関連記事をもっと見る

Allsign、全南信用保证基金会提供“Allsign Public”

Modusign株式会社18日宣布,向全南信用保证基金会(以下简称基金会)提供了面向公共机构的云端电子签名服务“Modusign Public”。此次供给是该基金会为实现ESG(环境、社会、治理)管理和创新内部管理而做出的努力之一。




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Allsign et la Fondation de garantie de crédit de Jeonnam fournissent « Allsign Public »

Modusign Co., Ltd. a annoncé le 18 avoir fourni « Modusign Public », un service de signature électronique basé sur le cloud pour les institutions publiques, à la Jeonnam Credit Guarantee Foundation (ci-après dénommée la Fondation). Cette fourniture a été réalisée dans le cadre des efforts de la fondation pour réaliser une gestion ESG (Environnementale, Sociale, Gouvernance) et innover dans l'administration interne.

La fondation accroît l'efficacité et la transparence du travail en numérisant les documents clés du personnel tels que les contrats de travail et de salaire des employés, les formulaires de consentement pour la fourniture d'informations personnelles et les engagements de sécurité, centrés sur l'équipe de soutien à la direction. Récemment, nous avons amélioré le système global de gestion des documents pour le recrutement en appliquant la solution de signature électronique Allsign au processus de rédaction et de soumission des descriptions de poste et des documents joints liés aux annonces de recrutement.

Un responsable de la fondation a déclaré : « La gestion ESG est une stratégie clé pour établir des opérations transparentes et efficaces grâce à la transformation numérique de l'administration interne », et « Avec l'introduction de Modusign, les processus de travail de la fondation sont devenus plus systématisés, et à l'avenir, lors de la signature des contrats, nous prévoyons de convertir le traitement manuel des documents en numérique en utilisant la fonction de contrat à distance. »

La Jeonnam Credit Guarantee Foundation utilise cette transformation numérique basée sur les signatures électroniques comme une opportunité pour renforcer la gestion ESG et prévoit de s'établir comme un cas de gestion ESG exemplaire dans le secteur public à l'avenir dans le but d'améliorer de manière innovante le système de gouvernance interne.

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