울산창경, ‘2025 UFEZ 대중소 상생 투자 플랫폼’ 공모전 개최

울산창조경제혁신센터(이하 울산창경)는 ‘2025 UFEZ 대중소 상생 투자 플랫폼’ 공모전을 개최한다고 밝혔다.

울산경제자유구역청에서 주최하는 이번 공모전은 지역 대기업 및 공공기관이 참여해 대기업의 수요기술 또는 신기술을 보유한 유망기업을 발굴해 성장을 지원하기 위해 마련됐다.

모집 분야는 울산경제자유구역(UFEZ) 핵심전략산업인 ▲미래모빌리티 ▲미래화학신소재 ▲수소·저탄소에너지 3개 분야이며, 혁신적인 기술을 보유한 (예비)창업자 및 중소기업을 대상으로 진행된다.

서류심사와 발표평가를 거쳐 최종 8개 내외 기업을 선정해 기업 당 1,000만 원씩 사업화 지원금을 시상한다.

또 ▲투자심사를 위한 기술평가보증 ▲기업경영 전문가 상담(컨설팅) ▲대기업의 수요와 선정기업의 기술을 연결하는 기술교류회 ▲투자연계지원 등 다양한 혜택을 제공한다.

향후 기업이 울산에서 사업을 시작 또는 확장할 경우 울산 이전 지원금(기업당 최대 1,000만 원)도 지원할 예정이다.

희망 기업은 2월 24일부터 3월 14일까지 유-스타(U-STAR) 누리집을 통해 신청하면 된다.

울산창조경제혁신센터 김헌성 대표는 “이번 공모전을 통해 발굴된 유망기업들이 새롭게 출범한 울산 스타트업 허브를 통해 더욱 도약 할 수 있도록 적극 지원하고, 울산 지역으로 기업을 유치해 울산 기업 생태계를 활성화 할 수 있도록 최선을 다하겠다”고 발표했다.

한편 울산창경은 지난 2021년부터 유망기업을 발굴해 울산으로 유치하기 위해 대중소 상생 투자 기반(플랫폼) 사업을 추진하고 있다. 매년 공모전을 통해 선발된 기업을 대상으로 대기업과 연계한 상담(컨설팅) 등 다양한 혜택을 제공했으며, 현재까지 총 33개사를 지원했다.


  • 관련 기사 더 보기

Ulsan Changgyeong, '2025 UFEZ Small and Medium-sized Mutual Growth Investment Platform' Competition Held

Ulsan Creative Economy Innovation Center (hereinafter referred to as Ulsan Changgyeong) announced that it will hold a contest for the '2025 UFEZ Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Mutual Growth Investment Platform'.

This contest, hosted by the Ulsan Free Economic Zone Authority, was designed to discover promising companies with technologies in demand by large corporations or new technologies and support their growth through participation from local large corporations and public institutions.

The recruitment areas are three key strategic industries of the Ulsan Free Economic Zone (UFEZ): ▲Future Mobility ▲Future Chemical New Materials ▲Hydrogen and Low-carbon Energy, and will be conducted for (potential) entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises with innovative technologies.

After document screening and presentation evaluation, approximately 8 companies will be selected and each company will be awarded a business development support fund of 10 million won.

In addition, it provides various benefits such as ▲technology evaluation guarantee for investment review ▲consulting by corporate management experts ▲technology exchange meeting that connects the needs of large companies with the technology of selected companies ▲investment linkage support, etc.

In the future, if a company starts or expands its business in Ulsan, it will also be supported with a relocation subsidy (up to 10 million won per company).

Applicants can apply through the U-STAR website from February 24 to March 14.

Kim Heon-seong, CEO of the Ulsan Creative Economy Innovation Center, announced, “We will actively support promising companies discovered through this contest to make further advancements through the newly launched Ulsan Startup Hub, and do our best to attract companies to the Ulsan region and revitalize the Ulsan corporate ecosystem.”

Meanwhile, Ulsan Changgyeong has been promoting a large-small business mutual investment platform project since 2021 to discover promising companies and attract them to Ulsan. Various benefits, such as consulting in conjunction with large companies, have been provided to companies selected through a public contest every year, and a total of 33 companies have been supported to date.

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蔚山昌慶、「2025 UFEZ大衆小相生投資プラットフォーム」公募展開催





また、▲投資審査のための技術評価保証 ▲企業経営専門家相談(コンサルティング) ▲大企業の需要と選定企業の技術を結ぶ技術交流会 ▲投資連携支援など多様な恩恵を提供する。





  • 関連記事をもっと見る

蔚山昌庆‘2025 UFEZ中小企业共同成长投资平台’征集活动举行

蔚山创造经济创新中心(以下简称蔚山昌庆)宣布,将举办“2025 UFEZ中小企业共同成长投资平台”竞赛。






申请者可于 2 月 24 日至 3 月 14 日通过U-STAR 网站进行申请。



  • 查看更多相关文章

Ulsan Changgyeong, concours « Plateforme d'investissement pour la croissance mutuelle des petites et moyennes entreprises de l'UFEZ 2025 » organisé

Le Centre d'innovation et d'économie créative d'Ulsan (ci-après dénommé Ulsan Changgyeong) a annoncé qu'il organiserait un concours pour la « Plateforme d'investissement pour la croissance mutuelle des petites et moyennes entreprises de l'UFEZ 2025 ».

Ce concours, organisé par l'Autorité de la zone économique libre d'Ulsan, a été conçu pour découvrir des entreprises prometteuses dotées de technologies demandées par les grandes entreprises ou de nouvelles technologies et soutenir leur croissance grâce à la participation de grandes entreprises locales et d'institutions publiques.

Les domaines de recrutement sont trois industries stratégiques clés de la zone économique franche d'Ulsan (UFEZ) : ▲ Mobilité future ▲ Nouveaux matériaux chimiques du futur ▲ Hydrogène et énergie à faible émission de carbone, et seront menés pour les entrepreneurs (potentiels) et les petites et moyennes entreprises dotées de technologies innovantes.

Après examen des documents et évaluation des présentations, environ 8 entreprises seront sélectionnées et chaque entreprise se verra attribuer un fonds de soutien au développement commercial de 10 millions de wons.

En outre, il offre divers avantages tels que ▲la garantie d'évaluation technologique pour l'examen des investissements ▲la consultation par des experts en gestion d'entreprise ▲la réunion d'échange technologique qui relie les besoins des grandes entreprises à la technologie des entreprises sélectionnées ▲le soutien aux liens d'investissement, etc.

À l’avenir, si une entreprise démarre ou développe ses activités à Ulsan, elle bénéficiera également d’une subvention à la relocalisation (jusqu’à 10 millions de wons par entreprise).

Les candidats peuvent postuler via le site Web U-STAR du 24 février au 14 mars.

Kim Heon-seong, PDG du Centre d'innovation de l'économie créative d'Ulsan, a annoncé : « Nous soutiendrons activement les entreprises prometteuses découvertes grâce à ce concours pour qu'elles progressent davantage grâce au tout nouveau Ulsan Startup Hub, et ferons de notre mieux pour attirer les entreprises dans la région d'Ulsan et revitaliser l'écosystème d'entreprise d'Ulsan. »

Parallèlement, Ulsan Changgyeong promeut depuis 2021 un projet de plateforme d'investissement mutuel à grande échelle pour les petites et moyennes entreprises afin de découvrir des entreprises prometteuses et de les attirer à Ulsan. Chaque année, divers avantages, tels que des services-conseils en collaboration avec de grandes entreprises, sont offerts aux entreprises sélectionnées dans le cadre d’un concours, et un total de 33 entreprises ont été soutenues à ce jour.

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