한국소프트웨어산업협회(KOSA)는 2월 27일 서울 구로동 한국산업단지공단 서울지역본부에서 한국산업단지공단(산단공)과 산업단지의 디지털 전환(DX) 및 인공지능 기반 혁신(AX) 지원 협력체계 구축을 위한 업무협약(MOU)을 체결했다고 밝혔다.
이번 협약은 급변하는 글로벌 산업 환경 속에서 국내 제조업의 경쟁력 강화와 산업단지의 디지털 전환 및 인공지능 혁신을 가속화하기 위한 목적으로 추진되었으며, 협약식에는 조준희 KOSA 회장과 이상훈 산단공 이사장을 비롯한 양 기관 주요 관계자들이 참석했다.
산단공은 전국 82개 국가 및 일반 산업단지를 관리하고 6만여 개 기업의 산업 활동을 지원하는 기관으로, 제조공정 디지털 전환 사업과 디지털 인프라 확충 사업 등을 통해 산업단지의 디지털 환경을 선도하고 있다.
양 기관은 이번 협약을 통해 산업단지 입주 기업의 디지털 전환 및 AI 기술 도입 촉진, 디지털 전환 인재 양성 및 교육 지원, 산업단지 디지털 생태계 구축 및 기업 지원 강화를 위한 다양한 협력을 추진할 예정이다.
KOSA 조준희 회장은 “한국산업단지공단과의 협력을 통해 산업별 특화 인공지능(버티컬 LLM) 시장을 활성화하고, 제조 분야에서 디지털 기반의 미래 경쟁력 확보를 통해 산단공 입주 기업과 협회 회원사 간 비즈니스 촉진의 계기를 마련하겠다”고 강조했다.
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Korea Software Industry Association and Korea Industrial Complex Corporation Sign Business Agreement
The Korea Software Industry Association (KOSA) announced on February 27 that it signed a business agreement (MOU) with the Korea Industrial Complex Corporation (KICOX) at the KICOX Seoul Regional Headquarters in Guro-dong, Seoul to establish a cooperative system to support digital transformation (DX) and artificial intelligence-based innovation (AX) of industrial complexes.
This agreement was promoted for the purpose of strengthening the competitiveness of the domestic manufacturing industry and accelerating the digital transformation and artificial intelligence innovation of industrial complexes in the rapidly changing global industrial environment. The agreement signing ceremony was attended by key officials from both organizations, including KOSA Chairman Cho Jun-hee and Industrial Complex Corporation Chairman Lee Sang-hoon.
The Industrial Complex Corporation is an organization that manages 82 national and general industrial complexes across the country and supports the industrial activities of approximately 60,000 companies. It is leading the digital environment of industrial complexes through projects such as digital transformation of manufacturing processes and expansion of digital infrastructure.
Through this agreement, the two organizations plan to pursue various cooperation to promote digital transformation and AI technology adoption by companies located in industrial complexes, support the training and education of digital transformation talents, and strengthen the establishment of a digital ecosystem and corporate support in industrial complexes.
KOSA Chairman Cho Jun-hee emphasized, “Through cooperation with the Korea Industrial Complex Corporation, we will activate the industry-specific artificial intelligence (vertical LLM) market and secure digital-based future competitiveness in the manufacturing sector, thereby creating an opportunity to promote business between companies located in the industrial complex and association member companies.”
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- 関連記事をもっと見る
KOSA 主席 Cho Jun-hee 强调,“通过与韩国工业园区公司的合作,我们将激活行业特定人工智能(垂直 LLM)市场,并确保制造业基于数字化的未来竞争力,从而创造促进工业园区企业与协会会员企业之间业务往来的机会。”
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L'Association coréenne de l'industrie du logiciel et la Korea Industrial Complex Corporation signent un accord commercial
L'Association coréenne de l'industrie du logiciel (KOSA) a annoncé le 27 février avoir signé un accord commercial (MOU) avec la Korea Industrial Complex Corporation (KICOX) au siège régional de KICOX à Séoul à Guro-dong, Séoul pour établir un système coopératif visant à soutenir la transformation numérique (DX) et l'innovation basée sur l'intelligence artificielle (AX) des complexes industriels.
Cet accord a été promu dans le but de renforcer la compétitivité de l'industrie manufacturière nationale et d'accélérer la transformation numérique et l'innovation en intelligence artificielle des complexes industriels dans un environnement industriel mondial en rapide évolution. La cérémonie de signature de l'accord s'est déroulée en présence de responsables clés des deux organisations, dont le président de la KOSA, Cho Jun-hee, et le président de l'Industrial Complex Corporation, Lee Sang-hoon.
La Corporation du complexe industriel est une organisation qui gère 82 complexes industriels nationaux et généraux à travers le pays et soutient les activités industrielles d'environ 60 000 entreprises. Elle dirige l'environnement numérique des complexes industriels à travers des projets tels que la transformation numérique des processus de fabrication et l'expansion de l'infrastructure numérique.
Grâce à cet accord, les deux organisations prévoient de poursuivre diverses coopérations pour promouvoir la transformation numérique et l'adoption de la technologie de l'IA par les entreprises situées dans les complexes industriels, soutenir la formation et l'éducation des talents de la transformation numérique, construire un écosystème numérique dans les complexes industriels et renforcer le soutien aux entreprises.
Le président de la KOSA, Cho Jun-hee, a souligné : « Grâce à la coopération avec la Korea Industrial Complex Corporation, nous activerons le marché de l'intelligence artificielle spécifique à l'industrie (LLM vertical) et garantirons la compétitivité future basée sur le numérique dans le secteur manufacturier, créant ainsi une opportunité de promouvoir les affaires entre les entreprises situées dans le complexe industriel et les entreprises membres de l'association. »
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