한국무역협회(KITA, 회장 윤진식)는 5일 서울 강남구 삼성동 트레이드타워에서 ‘한-인도 경제인 비즈니스 간담회’를 개최했다. 이번 행사는 인도 최대 민간 경제단체인 인도산업협회(CII, Confederation of Indian Industry) 사절단의 방한을 계기로 우리나라와 인도 경제인간의 교류 및 비즈니스 활성화를 위해 마련됐다.
이날 행사에 한국 측에서는 윤진식 한국무역협회 회장을 비롯해 오석송 ㈜메타바이오메드 회장, 송호근 ㈜와이지-원 회장 등 인도와 교역 관계에 있는 주요 기업 임원 10여 명이 참석했다. 인도 측에서는 아밋 쿠마르(H.E. Amit Kumar) 주한인도대사, 쉬브 시단트 카울(Shiv Siddhant Kaul) 인도산업협회 한국위원장을 비롯해 S. 사라티(S Sarathi) 아난드 그룹 사장 등 15명이 참석해 양국 기업 간 협력 방안에 대해 논의했다.
윤진식 회장은 “세계 무역질서가 재편됨에 따라 신뢰할 수 있는 공급망 확보가 더욱 중요해진 현재, 세계 5위 경제 대국이자 글로벌 혁신 허브로 부상하고 있는 인도는 매우 중요한 협력국”이라며 “그린에너지‧디지털경제‧바이오 등 미래산업 분야에서도 양국 기업인 간 교류를 확대하여 시너지를 내도록 지원할 것”이라고 밝혔다.
한편 이날 간담회에서 무역협회는 인도산업협회와 업무협약(MOU)를 체결하고, ‘한-인도 비즈니스 포럼’을 매년 한국과 인도에서 각각 개최하는 등 양국 간 비즈니스 활성화를 위한 협력을 강화하기로 했다.
또한 한국무역협회는 인도위원회 신설을 추진하기로 했다. 인도위원회를 통해 인도산업협회 한국위원회와 공동으로 상호 정보교환 및 비즈니스 네트워킹을 확대하여 양국 기업인들이 정기적으로 소통할 수 있는 채널로 활용할 예정이다.
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Martial Arts Association Holds 'Korea-India Economic Business Meeting'
The Korea International Trade Association (KITA, Chairman Jin-sik Yoon) held the 'Korea-India Economic Business Meeting' on the 5th at the Trade Tower in Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul. This event was organized to promote exchanges and business between Korean and Indian businesspeople on the occasion of the visit to Korea by the delegation of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), the largest private economic organization in India.
On the Korean side, about 10 executives from major companies with trade relations with India attended the event, including Yoon Jin-sik, Chairman of the Korea International Trade Association, Oh Seok-song, Chairman of Metabiomed Co., Ltd., and Song Ho-geun, Chairman of YG-One Co., Ltd. From the Indian side, 15 people, including HE Amit Kumar, Ambassador of India to Korea, Shiv Siddhant Kaul, Chairman of the Confederation of Indian Industries Korea, and S. Sarathi, President of Anand Group, attended the event and discussed ways for cooperation between companies from both countries.
Chairman Yoon Jin-sik said, “With the reorganization of the global trade order, securing a reliable supply chain has become more important than ever. India, the world’s fifth-largest economy and emerging global innovation hub, is a very important partner.” He added, “We will support the expansion of exchanges between businesspeople from both countries in future industries such as green energy, digital economy, and bio to create synergy.”
Meanwhile, at the meeting held that day, the trade association signed a business agreement (MOU) with the Indian Industry Association and agreed to strengthen cooperation to vitalize business between the two countries, including holding the 'Korea-India Business Forum' in Korea and India each year.
In addition, the Korea International Trade Association has decided to promote the establishment of an India committee. Through the India committee, the association will jointly expand mutual information exchange and business networking with the Korea Committee of the Indian Industry Association, and use it as a channel for regular communication between businessmen from both countries.
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韓国貿易協会(KITA、会長ユン・ジンシク)は5日、ソウル江南区三成洞トレードタワーで「韓・インド経済人ビジネス懇談会」を開催した。今回の行事は、インド最大民間経済団体であるインド産業協会(CII、Confederation of Indian Industry)使節団の訪韓を契機に、韓国とインド経済人間の交流及びビジネス活性化のために設けられた。
この日の行事に韓国側ではユン・ジンシク韓国貿易協会会長をはじめ、オ・ソクソン(株)メタバイオメッド会長、ソン・ホグン(株)ワイジ-ウォン会長などインドと交易関係にある主要企業役員10人余りが参加した。インド側では、アミット・クマール(HE Amit Kumar)在韓インド大使、シブ・シダント・カウル(Shiv Siddhant Kaul)インド産業協会韓国委員長をはじめ、S.
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韩国贸易协会(KITA,会长尹振植) 5日在首尔江南区三成洞贸易塔举办了“韩印经济商务会议”。此次活动是为了在印度最大的民间经济团体印度工业联合会(CII)代表团访韩之际,促进韩印经济之间的交流及商业振兴而举办的。
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L'Association des arts martiaux organise une « réunion d'affaires économiques Corée-Inde »
L'Association coréenne du commerce international (KITA, président Jin-sik Yoon) a organisé la « Réunion d'affaires économiques Corée-Inde » à la Trade Tower de Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Séoul, le 5. Cet événement a été organisé pour promouvoir les échanges et la revitalisation des affaires entre les économies coréenne et indienne, à l'occasion de la visite en Corée d'une délégation de la Confédération de l'industrie indienne (CII), la plus grande organisation économique privée de l'Inde.
Du côté coréen, une dizaine de dirigeants de grandes entreprises ayant des relations commerciales avec l'Inde ont assisté à l'événement, dont le président Yoon Jin-sik de l'Association coréenne du commerce international, le président Oh Seok-song de Metabiomed Co., Ltd. et le président Song Ho-geun de YG-One Co., Ltd. Du côté indien, 15 personnes, dont l'ambassadeur en Corée, S.E. Amit Kumar, le président coréen de la Confédération des industries indiennes, Shiv Siddhant Kaul, et le PDG du groupe Anand, S. Sarathi, ont assisté à la réunion et ont discuté des moyens de promouvoir la coopération entre les entreprises des deux pays.
Le président Yoon Jin-sik a déclaré : « Avec la réorganisation de l’ordre commercial mondial, garantir une chaîne d’approvisionnement fiable est devenu plus important que jamais. L’Inde, cinquième économie mondiale et pôle d’innovation mondial émergent, est un partenaire très important. » Il a ajouté : « Nous soutiendrons l’expansion des échanges entre les hommes d’affaires des deux pays dans les secteurs d’avenir tels que l’énergie verte, l’économie numérique et la biotechnologie afin de créer une synergie. »
Entre-temps, lors de la réunion tenue ce jour-là, l'association commerciale a signé un accord commercial (MOU) avec l'Association industrielle indienne et a convenu de renforcer la coopération pour dynamiser les affaires entre les deux pays, notamment en organisant le « Forum d'affaires Corée-Inde » en Corée et en Inde chaque année.
En outre, l’Association coréenne du commerce international a décidé de promouvoir la création d’un comité indien. Par l’intermédiaire du Comité indien, nous prévoyons d’élargir l’échange d’informations mutuelles et le réseautage commercial avec le Comité coréen de l’Association industrielle indienne, et de l’utiliser comme canal de communication régulière entre les hommes d’affaires des deux pays.
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