아이톡시, 우크라이나 경찰청에 400대 픽업트럭 공급 계약 체결

아이톡시(대표이사 전봉규)는 우크라이나 Spec-Com-Service(이하 SKS그룹)과 KG모빌리티 픽업트럭 무쏘그랜드 총 400대(약 125억 규모) 수출계약을 체결하고, 1차 선적분 150대(약 47억원 규모)에 대한 PO 및 계약금을 수령했다고 10일 공시를 통해 밝혔다.

아이톡시는 지난해 하반기부터 현지 SKS그룹과 함께 우크라이나 공공기관들의 픽업트럭 입찰에 참여해왔다. 최근 우크라이나 경찰청의 픽업트럭 입찰에서 강력한 경쟁차종인 프랑스 푸조의 픽업트럭 랜드트랙을 제치고 KG모빌리티의 무쏘그랜드 납품 계약을 성사시켰다.

이번 수출 규모는 총 400대로 2차례 나누어 선적되고, 우크라이나 경찰청의 긴급 요청으로 3월말에 1차 공급 물량 150대(한화 약 47억원)가 첫 선적될 예정이다.

SKS그룹은 우크라이나 특장차 1위 제조사인 ‘폴리카’, 보일러 제조사 ‘코테카’, 산업용 공구제조사 ‘리비우스’ 등을 산하에 두고 있다. 특히, ‘폴리카’는 건설 및 화물운송용 특수 차량 제조 판매에서 1위를 차지하고 있으며, 경찰청, 소방청, 지방자치단체 등 주요 공공기관에 소방차, 엠뷸런스, 청소차, 유조차 등 공공목적 특수차량을 제조 납품하고 있다.

현재 우크라이나는 종전 기대감이 높아지면서 전후 피해복구용 4륜 픽업트럭의 수요가 급증했다. 특히, 전쟁 피해 지역은 도로 손상이 심해 일반 승용차 및 화물트럭의 통행이 어려워 픽업트럭이 주요 공공기관들의 핵심 운송수단으로 지정됐다.

아이톡시는 2023년 11월 현지 합작법인을 설립한 후 우크라이나 재건 사업과 관련하여 지속적인 행보를 보여왔다. 트럼프 대통령 집권 이후 우크라이나·러시아 종전을 추진하면서 급물살을 타 이번 계약을 필두로 아이톡시가 준비해온 재건사업의 결실이 본격화될 것으로 예상된다.

회사 측은 SKS그룹과 함께 이번 경찰청 입찰 건 이외에도 현재 미국대사관 및 주요 공공기관들의 대규모 픽업트럭 입찰에 참여하고 있어 연간 약 3,000대(약 1,000억원)이상의 추가 수주를 기대하고 있다고 전했다.

아이톡시 전봉규 대표는 “최근 종전 협상 논의가 이루어지면서 아이톡시가 전사적으로 추진하고 있는 우크라이나 재건사업의 결과물이 나오기 시작했다”며 “이번 KGM 픽업트럭 수출계약 이외에도 지난 달 24일 우크라이나 최대 H&B스토어 ‘EVA’ (우크라이나판 올리브 영)에 한국산 화장품을 첫 수출 선적했고, 우크라이나 유일 판유리 공장 BFG 합작투자 프로젝트도 순항하고 있다”고 밝혔다.

한편 아이톡시는 우크라이나 재건주로 분류되는 상장사 중에서 전후복구 재건사업 관련 첫 실적을 기록하면서 전후복구 재건사업을 주도하는 기업으로 자리매김할 것으로 전망된다.


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Atoxi signs contract to supply 400 pickup trucks to Ukrainian police

ITOXI (CEO Bong-gyu Jeon) announced on the 10th through a public disclosure that it signed an export contract with Ukraine's Spec-Com-Service (hereinafter SKS Group) for a total of 400 Musso Grand pickup trucks (worth approximately KRW 12.5 billion) from KG Mobility and received a PO and deposit for the first shipment of 150 units (worth approximately KRW 4.7 billion).

Since the second half of last year, iToxi has been participating in pickup truck bids for Ukrainian public institutions together with the local SKS Group. Recently, in a pickup truck bid for the Ukrainian National Police Agency, it won a contract to supply KG Mobility’s Musso Grand, beating out the strong competitor, the French Peugeot pickup truck Landrac.

This export volume is 400 units in total, and will be shipped in two batches. The first batch of 150 units (worth approximately KRW 4.7 billion) is scheduled to be shipped at the end of March at the urgent request of the Ukrainian National Police Agency.

SKS Group has under its wing the number one manufacturer of special purpose vehicles in Ukraine, 'Polyca', boiler manufacturer 'Koteka', and industrial tool manufacturer 'Livius'. In particular, 'Polyca' is number one in the manufacturing and sales of special purpose vehicles for construction and cargo transport, and manufactures and supplies special purpose vehicles for public purposes such as fire trucks, ambulances, garbage trucks, and tankers to major public institutions such as the National Police Agency, Fire Department, and local governments.

Currently, Ukraine has seen a surge in demand for 4-wheel pickup trucks for post-war recovery as anticipation for the end of the war grows. In particular, in war-torn areas, roads are severely damaged, making it difficult for regular passenger cars and cargo trucks to pass, so pickup trucks have been designated as a key means of transportation for major public institutions.

Since establishing a local joint venture in November 2023, iToxi has continued to make progress in the reconstruction project in Ukraine. With the Trump administration pushing for an end to the war in Ukraine and Russia, it is expected that the reconstruction project that iToxi has been preparing will begin to bear fruit, starting with this contract.

The company said that in addition to this National Police Agency bid, it is currently participating in large-scale pickup truck bids for the U.S. Embassy and major public institutions together with the SKS Group, and is expecting to receive additional orders of approximately 3,000 units (approximately KRW 100 billion) per year.

ITOXY CEO Jeon Bong-gyu said, “As the armistice negotiations have recently taken place, the results of ITOXY’s company-wide reconstruction project in Ukraine are starting to come out,” adding, “In addition to this KGM pickup truck export contract, we shipped our first Korean cosmetics for export to Ukraine’s largest H&B store ‘EVA’ (Ukrainian version of Olive Young) on the 24th of last month, and the joint investment project for Ukraine’s only plate glass factory BFG is also going smoothly.”

Meanwhile, Itoxi is expected to establish itself as a leading company in post-war reconstruction projects, recording its first performance in post-war reconstruction projects among listed companies classified as Ukrainian reconstruction stocks.

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Atoxi 签署合同,向乌克兰警方供应 400 辆皮卡

ITOXI(代表理事全奉圭) 10日通过公开方式宣布,与乌克兰Spec-Com-Service(以下简称SKS集团)从KG Mobility签订了共计400辆Musso Grand皮卡(价值约125亿韩元)的出口合同,并已收到首批150辆(价值约47亿韩元)的采购订单及定金。

自去年下半年以来,iToxi 一直与当地 SKS 集团一起参与乌克兰公共机构的皮卡车竞标。近日,在乌克兰国家警察的皮卡车招标中,KG Mobility赢得了Musso Grand供应合同,击败了强劲竞争对手法国标致皮卡Landrac。






ITOXY代表全凤圭表示“最近随着停战谈判的进行,ITOXY在乌克兰的全公司重建项目成果开始显现”,并补充道“除了此次的KGM皮卡车出口合同之外,上个月24日向乌克兰最大的H&B卖场‘EVA’(Olive Young的乌克兰版)发运了首批韩国化妆品出口产品,对乌克兰唯一的平板玻璃工厂BFG的共同投资项目也进展顺利”。

同时,Itoxi 有望成为战后重建项目的领先公司,在乌克兰重建股上市公司中首次在战后重建项目中取得业绩。

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Atoxi signe un contrat pour fournir 400 pick-ups à la police ukrainienne

ITOXI (PDG Bong-gyu Jeon) a annoncé le 10 par le biais d'une divulgation publique avoir signé un contrat d'exportation avec l'ukrainien Spec-Com-Service (ci-après SKS Group) pour un total de 400 camionnettes Musso Grand (d'une valeur d'environ 12,5 milliards de KRW) de KG Mobility et avoir reçu un bon de commande et un acompte pour la première expédition de 150 unités (d'une valeur d'environ 4,7 milliards de KRW).

Depuis le deuxième semestre de l'année dernière, iToxi participe aux appels d'offres de camionnettes pour les institutions publiques ukrainiennes en collaboration avec le groupe local SKS. Récemment, dans un appel d'offres pour un pick-up destiné à la police nationale ukrainienne, KG Mobility a remporté le contrat de fourniture du Musso Grand, battant ainsi son concurrent de poids, le pick-up français Peugeot Landrac.

Le volume d'exportation est de 400 unités au total, et sera expédié en deux lots. Le premier lot de 150 unités (d'une valeur d'environ 4,7 milliards de KRW) devrait être expédié fin mars à la demande urgente de l'Agence nationale de police ukrainienne.

Le groupe SKS compte sous son aile des sociétés telles que « Polyka », le premier fabricant de véhicules spéciaux en Ukraine, « Koteka », un fabricant de chaudières, et « Rivius », un fabricant d'outils industriels. En particulier, « Polyca » est classée première dans la fabrication et la vente de véhicules spéciaux pour la construction et le transport de marchandises, et fabrique et fournit des véhicules spéciaux à des fins publiques tels que des camions de pompiers, des ambulances, des camions poubelles et des camions-citernes aux principales institutions publiques telles que l'Agence nationale de police, les pompiers et les gouvernements locaux.

L'Ukraine connaît actuellement une forte demande de camionnettes à quatre roues pour la reconstruction d'après-guerre, alors que les attentes d'une fin de la guerre grandissent. En particulier, dans les zones déchirées par la guerre, les routes ont été gravement endommagées, ce qui a rendu difficile le passage des voitures particulières et des camions de marchandises. Les camionnettes ont donc été désignées comme le principal moyen de transport pour les principales institutions publiques.

Depuis la création d'une coentreprise locale en novembre 2023, Aitoxi a continué de progresser dans le projet de reconstruction ukrainien. Depuis l'arrivée au pouvoir du président Trump, le projet de reconstruction préparé par Atoxi devrait porter ses fruits, à commencer par ce contrat, alors que le cessez-le-feu entre l'Ukraine et la Russie progresse.

La société a déclaré qu'en plus de cette offre de l'Agence nationale de police, elle participe actuellement à des appels d'offres de camionnettes à grande échelle pour l'ambassade des États-Unis et les principales institutions publiques en collaboration avec le groupe SKS, et s'attend à recevoir des commandes supplémentaires d'environ 3 000 unités (environ 100 milliards de KRW) par an.

Français Le PDG d'ITOXY, Jeon Bong-gyu, a déclaré : « Alors que les négociations d'armistice ont récemment eu lieu, les résultats du projet de reconstruction de l'entreprise ITOXY en Ukraine commencent à apparaître », ajoutant : « En plus de ce contrat d'exportation de camionnettes KGM, nous avons expédié nos premiers cosmétiques coréens à l'exportation vers le plus grand magasin H&B d'Ukraine, « EVA » (version ukrainienne d'Olive Young) le 24 du mois dernier, et le projet d'investissement commun pour la seule usine de verre plat d'Ukraine, BFG, se déroule également sans problème. »

Dans le même temps, Itoxi devrait s'établir comme une entreprise leader dans les projets de reconstruction d'après-guerre, enregistrant sa première performance dans les projets de reconstruction d'après-guerre parmi les sociétés cotées classées comme valeurs de reconstruction ukrainiennes.

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