한국사회투자·하나금융, ‘하나 ESG 더블임팩트 매칭펀드’ 참여 기업 모집

공익법인 임팩트투자사 한국사회투자(대표 이종익, 이순열)하나금융그룹과 함께하는 ‘2025 하나 ESG 더블임팩트 매칭펀드’에 참여할 기업을 모집한다고 17일 밝혔다.

하나금융그룹과 한국사회투자가 2022년부터 매년 조성해 온 ‘하나 ESG 더블임팩트 매칭펀드’는 일자리 창출 능력이 높고 친환경 기술 및 사업역량을 보유한 ESG 스타트업을 대상으로 초기 사업화 자금을 지원하고 있다. 특히 올해부터는 소상공인 및 지역 상권 활성화에 기여하는 기업과 시니어의 건강한 노후와 자립을 지원하는 기업을 투자 대상에 포함하며 지원 범위를 더욱 확대했다.

본 펀드는 하나금융그룹의 기부금을 재원으로 조성됐으며, 누적 기부금은 100억 원이다. 투자 수익과 원금을 다시 펀드에 귀속하여 새로운 기업에 재투자하는 선순환 구조를 통해 다양한 사회혁신기업을 지원하고 금융을 통한 사회적 책임을 다하고 있다는 평가를 받는다.

본 프로그램의 투자 기업 모집은 총 두 차례 진행된다. 1차 모집은 내달 4일까지 진행하고, 2차 모집은 5월 26일부터 6월 27일까지 진행한다. 최종 투자 기업은 서류심사와 현장실사를 거쳐 두 차례의 투자심의위원회를 개최한 후 선정한다. 심사 기준은 ▲사회적 가치 ▲사업 타당성 ▲조직역량 ▲기업가치 등으로 투자 규모는 총 20억원이다. 참여를 희망하는 기업은 한국사회투자 홈페이지를 통해 신청할 수 있다.

이순열 한국사회투자 대표는 “올해에도 하나금융그룹과 함께 사회문제 해결을 위해 노력하는 SG 스타트업에 대한 지원을 강화해 나갈 예정”이라며 “소상공인 및 지역 상권 활성화에 기여하고 시니어를 지원하는 기업으로까지 지원 범위가 확대된 만큼 많은 기업들의 적극적인 관심과 참여를 바란다”고 밝혔다.


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Korea Social Investment and Hana Financial Group recruit companies to participate in 'Hana ESG Double Impact Matching Fund'

Public interest corporation Impact Investment Company Korea Social Investment (CEO Jong-ik Lee, Soon-yeol Lee) announced on the 17th that it is recruiting companies to participate in the '2025 Hana ESG Double Impact Matching Fund' with Hana Financial Group .

The 'Hana ESG Double Impact Matching Fund', which Hana Financial Group and Korea Social Investment have established annually since 2022, provides initial commercialization funds to ESG startups with high job creation capabilities and eco-friendly technologies and business capabilities. In particular, starting this year, the scope of support has been further expanded to include companies that contribute to the revitalization of small businesses and local commercial districts, as well as companies that support the healthy old age and independence of seniors.

This fund was created with donations from Hana Financial Group, and the total donations amount to 10 billion won. It is evaluated as supporting various social innovation companies and fulfilling its social responsibility through finance through a virtuous cycle structure where investment profits and principal are returned to the fund and reinvested in new companies.

The recruitment of investment companies for this program will be conducted twice in total. The first recruitment will be conducted until the 4th of next month, and the second recruitment will be conducted from May 26 to June 27. The final investment company will be selected after two investment review committee meetings following document screening and on-site inspection. The evaluation criteria are ▲social value ▲business feasibility ▲organizational capacity ▲corporate value, etc., and the total investment amount is 2 billion won. Companies wishing to participate can apply through the Korea Social Investment website.

Lee Soon-yeol, head of Korea Social Investment, said, “This year, we plan to strengthen our support for SG startups that are working with Hana Financial Group to solve social problems,” adding, “As the scope of support has expanded to include companies that contribute to the revitalization of small businesses and local markets and support seniors, we hope for the active interest and participation of many companies.”

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本プログラムの投資企業募集は合計2回進行される。 1次募集は来月4日まで進行し、2次募集は5月26日から6月27日まで進行する。最終投資企業は書類審査と現場実査を経て、二度の投資審議委員会を開催した後に選定する。審査基準は▲社会的価値 ▲事業妥当性 ▲組織能力 ▲企業価値などで投資規模は総20億ウォンだ。参加を希望する企業は韓国社会投資ホームページを通じて申請できる。


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韩国社会投资与韩亚金融集团招募企业参与“韩亚 ESG 双效配套基金”

公益法人影响力投资公司韩国社会投资(代表李钟益、李淳烈) 17日宣布,正在招募企业参与与韩亚金融集团共同设立的“2025韩亚ESG双重影响力配套基金”。





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Korea Social Investment et Hana Financial Group recrutent des entreprises pour participer au « Hana ESG Double Impact Matching Fund »

La société d'intérêt public Impact Investment Company Korea Social Investment (PDG Jong-ik Lee, Soon-yeol Lee) a annoncé le 17 qu'elle recrutait des entreprises pour participer au « 2025 Hana ESG Double Impact Matching Fund » avec Hana Financial Group .

Le « Hana ESG Double Impact Matching Fund », que Hana Financial Group et Korea Social Investment créent chaque année depuis 2022, fournit des fonds de commercialisation initiaux aux startups ESG dotées de capacités de création d'emplois élevées et de technologies et capacités commerciales respectueuses de l'environnement. En particulier, à partir de cette année, le champ d’action du soutien a été encore élargi pour inclure les entreprises qui contribuent à la revitalisation des petites entreprises et des quartiers commerciaux locaux, ainsi que les entreprises qui soutiennent la vieillesse en bonne santé et l’indépendance des personnes âgées.

Ce fonds a été créé grâce aux dons du Hana Financial Group, et les dons cumulés s'élèvent à 10 milliards de wons. Il est estimé qu’il soutient diverses entreprises d’innovation sociale et remplit sa responsabilité sociale par le biais du financement à travers une structure de cycle vertueux dans laquelle les bénéfices d’investissement et le capital sont reversés au fonds et réinvestis dans de nouvelles entreprises.

Ce programme recrutera des sociétés d’investissement en deux tours. Le premier tour de recrutement se déroulera jusqu'au 4 du mois prochain, et le deuxième tour se déroulera du 26 mai au 27 juin. La société d’investissement finale est sélectionnée après deux séries de réunions du comité d’examen des investissements, d’examen des documents et d’inspection sur place. Les critères d'évaluation sont ▲la valeur sociale ▲la faisabilité commerciale ▲la capacité organisationnelle ▲la valeur de l'entreprise, etc., et le montant total de l'investissement est de 2 milliards de wons. Les entreprises souhaitant participer peuvent postuler via le site Web de Korea Social Investment.

Lee Soon-yeol, directeur de Korea Social Investment, a déclaré : « Cette année, nous prévoyons de renforcer notre soutien aux startups de Singapour qui travaillent avec Hana Financial Group pour résoudre les problèmes sociaux », ajoutant : « Alors que la portée du soutien s'est élargie pour inclure les entreprises qui contribuent à la revitalisation des petites entreprises et des marchés locaux et soutiennent les personnes âgées, nous espérons l'intérêt actif et la participation de nombreuses entreprises. »

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