서울특별시와 투자 전문 액셀러레이터 씨엔티테크(주)(대표 전화성)가 운영하는 캠퍼스타운 기업성장센터에서 청년 창업자가 겪는 애로 사항을 상시 멘토링하고 해소해주기 위한 멘토링 프로그램 ‘101 멘토링’을 연중 상시 운영한다고 밝혔다.
101 멘토링 프로그램은 서울 소재 청년 창업자(만 39세 이하)를 대상으로 체계적이고 상시적인 창업 멘토링 프로그램이다. 지원 대상은 서울에 소재지를 둔 창업 7년 이내 창업기업으로 대표자가 만 39세 이하의 캠퍼스타운 보육기업 또는 대학 창업지원기관으로부터 창업 보육을 받은 이력이 있는 창업기업이다.
캠퍼스타운 기업성장센터는 투자유치·세무회계·사업화·투자·팁스(TIPS)·정책자금 등 각 분야에 대해 전문성을 보유한 전문위원을 활용하여 창업에 대한 전반적인 내용을 멘토링할 계획이다.
참가 신청은 연중 상시 신청할 수 있다. 참여를 희망하는 창업자는 캠퍼스타운 기업성장센터 홈페이지 공고를 통해 접수하면 된다. 상담이 접수되면 창업자의 멘토링 희망 분야에 따라 48시간 이내에 전문가를 연계하여 진행된다.
이현광 센터장은 “101 멘토링은 창업자가 사업화 과정에서 겪는 모든 애로 사항을 실시간으로 해결하기 위해 기획되었다”며 “청년 창업자와 함께 고민하고 해결책을 도출함으로써 청년 창업자의 성장 가속화를 적극 지원하고 서울특별시의 청년 창업 활성화를 지원하겠다”고 말했다.
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Campus Town Business Growth Center, recruiting startups to participate in '101 Mentoring'
The Seoul Metropolitan Government and investment accelerator CNT Tech Co., Ltd. (CEO Jeon Hwa-seong) announced that they will be operating the '101 Mentoring' mentoring program year-round at the Campus Town Business Growth Center to provide ongoing mentoring and resolution to difficulties faced by young entrepreneurs.
The 101 Mentoring Program is a systematic and ongoing startup mentoring program for young entrepreneurs (under 39 years old) located in Seoul. The target of support is a startup company located in Seoul that has been in business for less than 7 years and has a CEO who is under 39 years old and has received startup support from a Campus Town incubation company or university startup support organization.
The Campus Town Business Growth Center plans to provide mentoring on all aspects of entrepreneurship by utilizing expert members with expertise in each field, including investment attraction, tax accounting, commercialization, investment, TIPS, and policy funds.
Applications for participation can be submitted at any time throughout the year. Entrepreneurs who wish to participate can apply through the Campus Town Business Growth Center website announcement . Once the consultation is received, an expert will be connected within 48 hours according to the entrepreneur's desired mentoring field.
Center Director Lee Hyeon-gwang said, “101 Mentoring was designed to solve all the difficulties that entrepreneurs face in the process of commercializing their businesses in real time,” and added, “We will actively support the acceleration of growth of young entrepreneurs and support the revitalization of youth entrepreneurship in Seoul by thinking together with them and coming up with solutions.”
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- 関連記事をもっと見る
首尔市政府和投资加速器CNT Tech 有限公司(首席执行官 Jeon Hwa-seong)宣布,他们将在校园城商业成长中心全年运营“101 指导”指导计划,为年轻企业家面临的困难提供持续的指导和解决方案。
101指导计划是位于首尔的针对年轻企业家(39岁或以下)的系统和持续的创业指导计划。符合支持条件的初创企业为:位于首尔市、成立时间未满 7 年、代表人年龄在 39 岁或以下、且获得过校园城孵化器或大学初创企业支持机构的初创企业。
全年任何时候都接受参与申请。有意参加的创业者可通过校园城企业成长中心网站的公告进行申请。一旦收到咨询,我们将根据创始人期望的指导领域在 48 小时内联系专家。
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Campus Town Business Growth Center recrute des startups pour participer au programme « 101 Mentoring »
Le gouvernement métropolitain de Séoul et l'accélérateur d'investissement CNT Tech Co., Ltd. (PDG Jeon Hwa-seong) ont annoncé qu'ils exploiteraient le programme de mentorat « 101 Mentoring » toute l'année au Campus Town Business Growth Center pour fournir un mentorat continu et une résolution aux difficultés rencontrées par les jeunes entrepreneurs.
Le programme de mentorat 101 est un programme de mentorat entrepreneurial systématique et continu destiné aux jeunes entrepreneurs (39 ans ou moins) situés à Séoul. Sont éligibles au soutien les startups situées à Séoul qui sont en activité depuis moins de 7 ans, ont un représentant âgé de 39 ans ou moins et ont reçu un soutien au démarrage d'un incubateur de ville universitaire ou d'une organisation de soutien au démarrage d'une université.
Le Campus Town Business Growth Center prévoit de fournir un mentorat sur tous les aspects de l'entrepreneuriat en faisant appel à des membres experts possédant une expertise dans chaque domaine, notamment l'attraction d'investissements, la comptabilité fiscale, la commercialisation, l'investissement, les TIPS et les fonds politiques.
Les demandes de participation sont acceptées à tout moment de l’année. Les entrepreneurs qui souhaitent participer peuvent postuler via l'annonce sur le site Web du Campus Town Business Growth Center . Une fois la consultation reçue, un expert sera mis en relation dans les 48 heures selon le domaine de mentorat souhaité par le fondateur.
Le directeur du centre, Lee Hyeon-gwang, a déclaré : « 101 Mentoring a été conçu pour résoudre toutes les difficultés auxquelles les entrepreneurs sont confrontés dans le processus de commercialisation de leurs entreprises en temps réel », et a ajouté : « Nous soutiendrons activement l'accélération de la croissance des jeunes entrepreneurs et soutiendrons la revitalisation de l'entrepreneuriat des jeunes à Séoul en réfléchissant avec eux et en trouvant des solutions. »
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