치과용 의료기기 전문 기업 ㈜쿠보텍은 20일 기업공개(IPO)를 위해 KB증권을 주관사로 선정했다고 밝혔다. 쿠보텍은 2027년 코스닥 상장을 목표로 내부 조직을 정비하고 공모 준비를 시작할 계획이다.
쿠보텍은 임플란트 기술에 대한 신뢰를 바탕으로 약 70명의 치과의사들이 주주로 참여하고 있으며, 2024년 8월에는 IPO 전문 운용사인 브라이트자산운용으로부터 20억원의 투자를 받았다.
쿠보텍은 또한 차세대 임플란트 시장을 목표로 신개념 3D 프린팅 임플란트와 알칼리 실리케이트 3D 프린팅 보철물 소재 등의 혁신 제품을 개발 중이다. 지난해 7월에는 산업통상자원부의 ‘2024년도 소재부품기술개발사업’ 국책 과제에 선정되어, 2026년까지 25억원의 정부지원금을 받아 기술 개발을 지속할 계획이다. 이를 통해 국내 임플란트 기술을 고도화하고, 회사의 경쟁력을 더욱 강화할 예정이다.
쿠보텍은 해외 시장 개척에도 적극적으로 나서고 있다. 이미 유럽 인허가를 취득해 폴란드를 거점으로 동유럽 지역에서 성과를 거두었으며, 중동, 동남아, 중남미, 아프리카 등 16개국에 수출하고 있다. 또한 북미와 중국 시장 진출을 위한 인허가 절차를 추진하고 있으며, 해외 판로 확대를 목표로 글로벌 사업을 지속적으로 확장할 계획이다.
정철웅 쿠보텍 대표이사는 “코스닥 상장을 통해 연구개발과 생산시설 확장, 해외 시장 확대를 더욱 가속화하고, 회사의 새로운 성장 동력을 창출할 것”이라며, “혁신 기술력과 고기능성 제품을 기반으로 차세대 치과용 소재 및 임플란트 선도 기업으로 성장하겠다”고 밝혔다.
Kubotek Selects KB Securities as IPO Underwriter
Kubotech Co., Ltd., a dental medical device company, announced on the 20th that it had selected KB Securities as the lead manager for its initial public offering (IPO). Kubotech plans to reorganize its internal organization and begin preparing for the public offering with the goal of listing on KOSDAQ in 2027.
Kubotek has about 70 dentists as shareholders based on trust in its implant technology, and in August 2024, it received an investment of 2 billion won from Bright Asset Management, an IPO specialist management company.
Kubotek is also developing innovative products such as new concept 3D printing implants and alkaline silicate 3D printing prosthesis materials targeting the next-generation implant market. In July of last year, it was selected for the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy's '2024 Material and Component Technology Development Project' national project, and plans to continue technology development by receiving 2.5 billion won in government subsidies until 2026. Through this, it plans to advance domestic implant technology and further strengthen the company's competitiveness.
Kubotek is also actively pursuing overseas market development. It has already obtained European approval and achieved success in Eastern Europe with Poland as its base, and is exporting to 16 countries including the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Central and South America, and Africa. It is also pursuing approval procedures for entering the North American and Chinese markets, and plans to continuously expand its global business with the goal of expanding overseas sales channels.
Jeong Cheol-ung, CEO of Kubotek, said, “Through the KOSDAQ listing, we will further accelerate R&D, expansion of production facilities, and expansion into overseas markets, and create new growth engines for the company.” He added, “Based on innovative technologies and highly functional products, we will grow into a leading next-generation dental materials and implant company.”
Kubotek 选择 KB Securities 作为 IPO 承销商
牙科医疗器械专家Kubotek株式会社20日宣布,已选择KB证券作为其首次公开募股(IPO)的主承销商。 Kubotek 计划重组内部组织并开始准备公开募股,目标是在 2027 年在 KOSDAQ 上市。
Kubotek基于对其种植牙技术的信任,拥有约70名牙医作为股东,并于2024年8月从IPO专业管理公司Bright Asset Management获得20亿韩元的投资。
Kubotek 还在开发新概念 3D 打印植入物和碱性硅酸盐 3D 打印假体材料等创新产品,瞄准下一代植入物市场。去年7月,该公司被产业通商资源部选定为“2024年材料及零部件技术开发项目”国家项目,计划到2026年为止获得25亿韩元的政府补助,继续进行技术开发。通过此举,我们计划推进国内植入技术的发展,进一步增强公司的竞争力。
Kubotek 首席执行官郑哲雄表示:“通过 KOSDAQ 上市,我们将进一步加快研发、生产设施扩建和海外市场扩张,为公司创造新的增长引擎。”他补充道,“基于创新技术和高功能产品,我们将成长为领先的下一代牙科材料和植入物公司。”
Kubotek choisit KB Securities comme souscripteur de son introduction en bourse
Le spécialiste des dispositifs médicaux dentaires Kubotek Co., Ltd. a annoncé le 20 avoir choisi KB Securities comme gestionnaire principal pour son introduction en bourse (IPO). Kubotek prévoit de réorganiser son organisation interne et de commencer à se préparer à une offre publique dans le but d'être coté au KOSDAQ en 2027.
Kubotek compte environ 70 dentistes comme actionnaires, en raison de la confiance dans sa technologie d'implants, et en août 2024, elle a reçu un investissement de 2 milliards de wons de Bright Asset Management, une société de gestion spécialisée dans les introductions en bourse.
Kubotek développe également des produits innovants tels que de nouveaux concepts d'implants d'impression 3D et des matériaux de prothèse d'impression 3D en silicate alcalin ciblant le marché des implants de nouvelle génération. En juillet dernier, elle a été sélectionnée comme projet national pour le « Projet de développement technologique des matériaux et des composants 2024 » par le ministère du Commerce, de l'Industrie et de l'Énergie, et prévoit de poursuivre le développement technologique en recevant 2,5 milliards de wons de subventions gouvernementales jusqu'en 2026. Grâce à cela, nous prévoyons de faire progresser la technologie des implants nationaux et de renforcer davantage la compétitivité de l'entreprise.
Kubotek explore également activement les marchés étrangers. Elle a déjà obtenu l'approbation européenne et a connu du succès en Europe de l'Est avec la Pologne comme base, et exporte vers 16 pays, dont le Moyen-Orient, l'Asie du Sud-Est, l'Amérique centrale et du Sud et l'Afrique. Nous poursuivons également des procédures d’octroi de licences pour pénétrer les marchés nord-américain et chinois, et prévoyons de développer continuellement nos activités mondiales dans le but d’élargir les canaux de vente à l’étranger.
Jeong Cheol-ung, PDG de Kubotek, a déclaré : « Grâce à la cotation au KOSDAQ, nous allons accélérer davantage la R&D, l'expansion des installations de production et l'expansion sur les marchés étrangers, et créer de nouveaux moteurs de croissance pour l'entreprise. » Il a ajouté : « Grâce à des technologies innovantes et à des produits hautement fonctionnels, nous deviendrons une entreprise leader dans le domaine des matériaux et implants dentaires de nouvelle génération. »
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