(주)반찬단지(대표 우성명)는 지난 14일 후레쉬퍼스트와 합작으로 세운 제 2공장 준공식을 가졌다고 밝혔다.
2024년 4월 착공 이후 약 1년여만인 제 2공장은 인천 서구 아이푸드파크 내 연면적 1,200평(4,021㎡)에 달하는 4층 규모로 완공됐다.
이날 행사에는 CJ프레쉬웨이, 아워홈 등 많은 식품·케터링 업체 관계자들이 참여해 티타임과 공장을 견학하는 시간을 갖고, 시식행사 및 Q&A 등의 일정으로 약 4시간 가량 행사를 진행했다.
그동안 젓갈류, 조림류를 생산하던 기존 석남동 1공장과는 달리, (주)반찬단지 제 2공장은 볶음김치와 나물류를 중점적으로 생산하는 FF전문 공장으로 활용되어 전체 유통망으로 유통될 예정이다.
제 2공장은 ▲로터리기계 ▲진공냉각기 ▲급속냉동기 ▲대형볶음솥 등을 갖춰 볶음김치 생산 8시간 하루 기준 10톤, 냉동나물 하루 기준 4톤이 생산되는 양으로서 생산효율성을 높였다.
또한 인천 소재 식품업계 최초로 생산 전체라인이 스마트 HACCP인증 시스템을 구비해 생산·관리되어 데이터가 자동으로 쌓여 전송되는 시스템으로서 소비자가 안심하고 먹을 수 있고, 제품의 신뢰도를 높여 식품안전관리와 위생에 초점을 두었다는 점이 제 2공장의 핵심이자 특징이다.
제 2공장의 한선구 책임이사는 “인천지역에서 우리만큼 투자해서 최고의 설비를 갖춘 곳은 없을 것이라고 자부한다. 각종 생산설비는 물론 물류·보관을 자동렉으로 설치해 공간을 더욱 넓게 활용해 원물을 효과적으로 활용·비축할 수 있게 했고, 이는 구매업무를 할 때에도 효율적인 계산을 가능하게 해준다. 우리는 맛과 품질, 상품생산 차별화는 기본이고, 설비 차별화에 신경썼다”고 포부를 밝혔다.
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Banchandanji, Fresh First Joint Venture 2nd Factory Completed
Banchandanji Co., Ltd. (CEO Woo Seong-myeong) announced on the 14th that it held a completion ceremony for its second factory, built in collaboration with Fresh First.
The second factory, which was completed in about a year after its groundbreaking in April 2024, is a four-story building with a total floor area of 1,200 pyeong (4,021 m2) located in I-Food Park in Seo-gu, Incheon.
On this day, many food and catering company representatives, including CJ Freshway and Our Home, participated in the event, which lasted approximately 4 hours and included tea time and a factory tour, a tasting event, and a Q&A session.
Unlike the existing Seoknam-dong Plant 1 that has been producing salted seafood and braised foods, Banchandanji Plant 2 will be used as a specialized FF plant that focuses on producing stir-fried kimchi and vegetables, which will be distributed throughout the entire distribution network.
The second factory is equipped with ▲rotary machines ▲vacuum coolers ▲quick freezers ▲large stir-fry pots, etc., and has increased production efficiency by producing 10 tons of stir-fried kimchi per day in 8 hours and 4 tons of frozen vegetables per day.
In addition, the core and characteristic of the second factory is that it is the first in the food industry in Incheon to have a smart HACCP certification system for the entire production line, which is produced and managed so that data is automatically accumulated and transmitted, so that consumers can eat with confidence and the reliability of the product is increased, focusing on food safety management and hygiene.
Han Seon-gu, the managing director of the second factory, said, “I am proud that there is no other place in the Incheon area that has invested as much as we have and has the best facilities. We have installed various production facilities as well as logistics and storage with automatic racks to make more space available, effectively utilizing and stockpiling raw materials, and this also enables efficient calculations when doing purchasing work. We have focused on differentiating taste, quality, and product production as basics, and on differentiating facilities.”
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Banchandanji、Fresh First合资公司第二工厂竣工
Banchandanji株式会社(代表理事禹成明) 14日表示,举行了与Fresh First合作建设的第二工厂的竣工仪式。
当天,CJ Freshway、Our Home等多家食品、餐饮企业代表参加了活动,活动持续了约4个小时,包括茶歇、工厂参观、试吃会、问答环节。
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Banchandanji, Fresh First Joint Venture, deuxième usine achevée
Banchandanji Co., Ltd. (PDG Woo Seong-myeong) a annoncé le 14 qu'elle avait organisé une cérémonie d'achèvement pour sa deuxième usine, construite en collaboration avec Fresh First.
La deuxième usine, qui a été achevée environ un an après sa pose de la première pierre en avril 2024, est un bâtiment de quatre étages d'une superficie totale de 1 200 pyeong (4 021 m2) situé dans le parc I-Food à Seo-gu, Incheon.
Ce jour-là, de nombreux représentants d'entreprises de restauration et d'alimentation, dont CJ Freshway et Our Home, ont participé à l'événement, qui a duré environ 4 heures et comprenait l'heure du thé et une visite de l'usine, une dégustation et une séance de questions-réponses.
Contrairement à l'usine 1 existante de Seoknam-dong qui produit des fruits de mer salés et des aliments braisés, l'usine 2 de Banchandanji sera utilisée comme une usine FF spécialisée qui se concentre sur la production de kimchi et de légumes sautés, qui seront distribués dans tout le réseau de distribution.
La deuxième usine est équipée de ▲machines rotatives ▲refroidisseurs à vide ▲congélateurs rapides ▲grands pots à sauté, etc., et a augmenté l'efficacité de la production en produisant 10 tonnes de kimchi sauté par jour en 8 heures et 4 tonnes de légumes surgelés par jour.
De plus, le cœur et la caractéristique de la deuxième usine sont qu'elle est la première dans l'industrie alimentaire à Incheon à disposer d'un système de certification HACCP intelligent pour l'ensemble de la chaîne de production, qui est produit et géré de manière à ce que les données soient automatiquement accumulées et transmises, afin que les consommateurs puissent manger en toute confiance et que la fiabilité du produit soit augmentée, en mettant l'accent sur la gestion de la sécurité alimentaire et de l'hygiène.
Han Seon-gu, directeur général de la deuxième usine, a déclaré : « Je suis fier qu'aucun autre endroit de la région d'Incheon n'ait investi autant que nous et ne dispose des meilleures installations. Nous avons installé diverses installations de production, ainsi que des systèmes logistiques et de stockage avec des rayonnages automatiques pour libérer de l'espace, optimiser l'utilisation et le stockage des matières premières, et ainsi optimiser les calculs d'achat. Nous avons mis l'accent sur la différenciation du goût, de la qualité et de la production, ainsi que sur la différenciation des installations. »
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