브리스캔영어쏘시에이츠, ‘엑시온 파트너스’ 신설

브리스캔영어쏘시에이츠(대표 유재호, 이하 브리스캔영)가 HR 컨설팅 영역으로의 사업 확장을 위해 사내독립기업(CIC; Company in Company) ‘엑시온 파트너스(Axion Partners)’를 신설하고, 정현석 전 딜로이트 컨설팅 코리아 HR 컨설팅 본부장(부대표∙파트너)을 CIC 사장으로 선임한다고 20일 밝혔다.

이번 CIC 신설을 통해 브리스캔영은 임원급 인재 채용부터 HR 컨설팅까지 조직∙인사 전 영역의 가치사슬을 아우르는 차별화된 통합 HR 전문 서비스 회사로 자리매김하게 됐다.
엑시온 파트너스를 이끄는 정현석 사장은 현업 실무부터 다수의 컨설팅 경험까지 두루 갖춘 조직∙인사 솔루션 전문가로, 한국 HR 컨설팅 시장에서 상징적 인물로 평가받는다. 정 사장은 한화손해보험에서의 현업 경험을 기반으로 PwC컨설팅, 머서(Mercer) 컨설팅 코리아를 거쳐 14년간 콘페리헤이그룹 한국 대표∙아시아퍼시픽 리더로 조직을 크게 성장시켰다. 최근에는 딜로이트 컨설팅에서 HR 컨설팅 본부장을 역임하며 국내외 핵심 그룹의 HR 컨설팅 서비스를 성공적으로 수행했다.

정현석 사장은 “엑시온 파트너스는 기업과 경영진 관점에서 사업 가치를 극대화함과 동시에 구성원들의 잠재력을 높여 균형 잡힌 변화를 이끌어내 현실적 대안을 제시하는 HR 솔루션을 제공할 것”이라며 “M&A 및 조직 통합을 위한 HR듀딜리전스(기업실사)와 인수 후 통합(PMI) 서비스까지 인사 조직을 경영·투자 전략과도 유기적으로 연결해 나갈 수 있는 전략을 제시해 나가겠다”고 밝혔다.

브리스캔영 유재호 대표는 “앞으로 브리스캔영은 HR 컨설팅과 경영진 발굴을 넘어, 데이터와 기술 기반의 미래형 HR 솔루션을 선도해 나가겠다”면서 “또한 기업들이 불확실성을 기회로 만들어 나갈 수 있도록 전략적 파트너십을 제공하는 리더십 어드바이저로서 최선을 다하겠다”고 밝혔다.

CIC 설립을 기점으로 회사 간의 상호 시너지도 기대된다. 브리스캔영은 지난 2023년 국내 최대 경력직 채용 플랫폼을 보유하고 있는 리멤버에 인수되면서 인재 추천 속도와 적합도를 획기적으로 개선한 디지털 채용 방법론을 접목해 시장을 선도해 나가고 있다. 여기에 엑시온 파트너스 설립으로 기업의 조직∙인사 전반에 걸친 전략과 실행 방안을 제시함과 동시에 기업이 필요로 하는 인재 발굴과 채용 지원까지 아우르는 체계적인 HR 서비스를 제공할 수 있게 된 것이다.

리멤버 최재호 대표는 “최근 조직 운영의 효율성을 높이고, HR 체계 개선을 통한 성장을 위해 조직∙인사 관점에서의 컨설팅에 관심을 기울이는 기업들이 늘고 있다”면서 “엑시온 파트너스의 전략적인 HR 컨설팅부터 브리스캔영의 임원급 인재 발굴 노하우, 여기에 리멤버가 보유한 채용 플랫폼과 데이터 경쟁력을 더해 기업의 가장 믿음직한 HR 파트너가 될 것”이라고 밝혔다.


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Briscan English Societies Establishes ‘Exion Partners’

Briscan English Societies (CEO Jaeho Yoo, hereinafter Briscan Young) announced on the 20th that it has established a new company in company (CIC) called ‘Axion Partners’ to expand its business into the HR consulting field and has appointed Hyunseok Jeong, former head of HR consulting at Deloitte Consulting Korea (vice president/partner), as the president of CIC.

Through the establishment of this CIC, Briscan Young has established itself as a differentiated integrated HR professional services company that covers the entire value chain of organizational and personnel areas, from executive-level talent recruitment to HR consulting.
President Jeong Hyun-seok, who leads Exion Partners, is an organizational and personnel solution expert with a wide range of experience from field work to consulting, and is considered a symbolic figure in the Korean HR consulting market. Based on his field experience at Hanwha General Insurance, President Jeong worked at PwC Consulting and Mercer Consulting Korea for 14 years, and served as the Korea representative and Asia Pacific leader of Conferry Hay Group, where he significantly grew the organization. Recently, he served as the head of the HR Consulting Division at Deloitte Consulting, successfully carrying out HR consulting services for key groups at home and abroad.

CEO Jeong Hyun-seok said, “Exion Partners will provide HR solutions that maximize business value from the perspective of companies and management, while simultaneously enhancing the potential of members to bring about balanced change and present realistic alternatives.” He added, “We will present strategies that can organically connect HR organizations with management and investment strategies, from HR due diligence (corporate due diligence) for M&A and organizational integration to post-merger integration (PMI) services.”

Briscan Young CEO Jaeho Yoo said, “In the future, Briscan Young will go beyond HR consulting and executive search to lead future HR solutions based on data and technology,” adding, “We will also do our best as a leadership advisor that provides strategic partnerships to help companies turn uncertainty into opportunity.”

With the establishment of CIC, mutual synergy between the companies is also expected. Since its acquisition by Remember, which has the largest career recruitment platform in Korea in 2023, Briscan Young has been leading the market by incorporating digital recruitment methodologies that have dramatically improved the speed and suitability of talent recommendations. In addition, with the establishment of Exion Partners, it will be possible to provide systematic HR services that encompass talent discovery and recruitment support that companies need while presenting strategies and implementation plans for the entire organization and personnel of the company.

Remember CEO Jaeho Choi said, “Recently, there has been an increase in the number of companies interested in consulting from an organizational and personnel perspective to increase the efficiency of organizational operations and achieve growth through HR system improvement.” He added, “By combining Exion Partners’ strategic HR consulting, Briscan Young’s know-how in discovering executive-level talent, and Remember’s recruitment platform and data competitiveness, we will become the most trustworthy HR partner for companies.”

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ブリスカン英語ソシエイツ(代表ユ・ジェホ、以下ブリスカンヤング)がHRコンサルティング領域への事業拡大のために社内独立企業(CIC; Company in Company)「アクシオンパートナーズ」を新設し、チョン・ヒョンソク前デロイトコンサルティングコリアHRコンサルティング言った。






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Briscan English Societies 成立“Exion Partners”

Briscan English Societies(代表:Jaeho Yoo,以下简称:Briscan Young)20日表示,为拓展人力资源咨询领域,在公司(CIC)内设立了名为“Axion Partners”的新公司,并任命前德勤咨询韩国人力资源咨询负责人(副总裁/合伙人)郑铉锡(Hyunseok Jeong)为CIC总裁。

通过成立这家CIC,Briscan Young已经将自己定位为一家差异化的综合人力资源专业服务公司,覆盖从高管级人才招聘到人力资源咨询的组织和人事领域整个价值链。
领导Exion Partners的郑铉锡会长是组织和人力资源解决方案方面的专家,拥有从实地工作到咨询的丰富经验,被认为是韩国人力资源咨询市场的标志性人物。郑会长凭借在韩华财产保险的工作经验,曾在普华永道咨询公司和美世咨询韩国公司工作,并担任Conferryhey集团韩国代表和亚太区负责人达14年之久,为该集团的发展做出了巨大贡献。最近,他担任德勤咨询公司人力资源咨询部门主管,成功地为国内外重要群体开展了人力资源咨询服务。

郑铉锡首席执行官表示:“Exion Partners 将从企业和管理层的角度提供人力资源解决方案,以最大程度地提高业务价值,同时增强会员的潜力,实现平衡变革并提出切实可行的替代方案。”他补充道:“我们将提出能够将人力资源组织与管理和投资战略有机联系起来的战略,从并购和组织整合的人力资源尽职调查(企业尽职调查)到并购后整合(PMI)服务。”

Briscan Young 首席执行官 Jaeho Yoo 表示:“未来,Briscan Young 将超越人力资源咨询和高管搜索,引领基于数据和技术的未来人力资源解决方案,”并补充道,“我们还将竭尽全力成为提供战略合作伙伴关系的领导力顾问,帮助企业将不确定性转化为机遇。”

随着CIC的成立,两家公司之间的协同效应也有望实现。自 2023 年被韩国最大的职业招聘平台 Remember 收购以来,Briscan Young 一直通过采用数字招聘方法引领市场,大大提高了人才推荐的速度和适用性。随着Exion Partners的成立,我们现在能够提供系统的人力资源服务,不仅涵盖公司整体组织和人事的战略和实施计划,还支持公司所需人才的发现和招募。

Remember 首席执行官 Jaeho Choi 表示:“最近,越来越多的公司对从组织和人员角度提供咨询服务感兴趣,希望通过人力资源系统改进提高组织运营效率并实现增长。”他补充道:“通过结合 Exion Partners 的战略人力资源咨询、Briscan Young 在发现高管级人才方面的专业知识以及 Remember 的招聘平台和数据竞争力,我们将成为企业最值得信赖的人力资源合作伙伴。”

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Les sociétés briscanes d'anglais créent « Exion Partners »

Briscan English Societies (PDG Jaeho Yoo, ci-après Briscan Young) a annoncé le 20 qu'elle avait créé une nouvelle société au sein de l'entreprise (CIC) appelée « Axion Partners » pour étendre ses activités dans le domaine du conseil en RH, et a nommé Hyunseok Jeong, ancien responsable du conseil en RH chez Deloitte Consulting Korea (vice-président/partenaire), au poste de président de CIC.

Grâce à la création de ce CIC, Briscan Young s'est imposée comme une société de services professionnels RH intégrés différenciés qui couvre l'ensemble de la chaîne de valeur des domaines organisationnels et du personnel, du recrutement de talents de niveau exécutif au conseil en RH.
Le président Jeong Hyeon-seok, qui dirige Exion Partners, est un expert en solutions organisationnelles et en ressources humaines avec une vaste expérience allant du travail sur le terrain au conseil, et est considéré comme une figure symbolique sur le marché coréen du conseil en RH. Fort de son expérience chez Hanwha General Insurance, le président Jeong a travaillé chez PwC Consulting et Mercer Consulting Korea, et a été représentant coréen et responsable Asie-Pacifique du groupe Conferryhey pendant 14 ans, développant considérablement l'organisation. Plus récemment, il a occupé le poste de directeur de la division de conseil en ressources humaines chez Deloitte Consulting, où il a réalisé avec succès des services de conseil en ressources humaines pour des groupes clés au niveau national et international.

Le PDG Jeong Hyun-seok a déclaré : « Exion Partners fournira des solutions RH qui optimiseront la valeur commerciale du point de vue des entreprises et de la direction, tout en renforçant le potentiel de ses membres à apporter des changements équilibrés et à présenter des alternatives réalistes. » Il a ajouté : « Nous présenterons des stratégies permettant de connecter de manière organique les services RH aux stratégies de gestion et d'investissement, depuis la due diligence RH (due diligence d'entreprise) pour les fusions et acquisitions et l'intégration organisationnelle jusqu'aux services d'intégration post-fusion (PMI). »

Français Le PDG de Briscan Young, Jaeho Yoo, a déclaré : « À l'avenir, Briscan Young ira au-delà du conseil en RH et de la recherche de cadres pour diriger les futures solutions RH basées sur les données et la technologie », ajoutant : « Nous ferons également de notre mieux en tant que conseiller en leadership qui fournit des partenariats stratégiques pour aider les entreprises à transformer l'incertitude en opportunité. »

Avec la création du CIC, une synergie mutuelle entre les entreprises est également attendue. Depuis son acquisition par Remember, la plus grande plateforme de recrutement de carrière en Corée en 2023, Briscan Young est leader du marché en intégrant des méthodologies de recrutement numérique qui ont considérablement amélioré la rapidité et l'adéquation des recommandations de talents. Avec la création d'Exion Partners, nous sommes désormais en mesure de fournir des services RH systématiques qui englobent non seulement des stratégies et des plans de mise en œuvre pour l'organisation globale et le personnel d'une entreprise, mais soutiennent également la découverte et le recrutement des talents dont l'entreprise a besoin.

Jaeho Choi, PDG de Remember, a déclaré : « Récemment, on a constaté une augmentation du nombre d'entreprises souhaitant bénéficier de conseils en matière d'organisation et de personnel afin d'accroître l'efficacité de leurs opérations et de favoriser la croissance grâce à l'amélioration de leurs systèmes RH. » Il a ajouté : « En combinant le conseil stratégique en RH d'Exion Partners, le savoir-faire de Briscan Young en matière de découverte de talents de niveau exécutif, ainsi que la plateforme de recrutement et la compétitivité des données de Remember, nous deviendrons le partenaire RH le plus fiable des entreprises. »

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