기술보증기금(이하 ‘기보’)은 대한무역투자진흥공사(사장 강경성, 이하 ‘코트라’)와 「아기유니콘 선정기업의 해외진출 지원을 위한 업무협약」을 체결했다고 20일 밝혔다.
이번 협약은 양 기관이 보유하고 있는 핵심역량과 지원 인프라를 활용해, 아기유니콘 기업의 해외시장 개척을 지원하고 글로벌 경쟁력을 강화하기 위해 마련됐다.
아기유니콘 육성사업은 중소벤처기업부와 기보가 추진하는 ‘글로벌 유니콘 프로젝트’의 첫 단계로, 혁신적인 사업모델과 성장성을 검증받은 유망 벤처기업을 발굴해 경쟁력 있는 예비유니콘 기업(기업가치 1,000억원 이상)으로 육성하는 프로그램이다.
협약에 따라 기보가 아기유니콘 기업을 추천하면, 코트라는 이 중 해외진출 가능성이 높은 20개 기업을 선정해 6개월간 해외진출 프로그램을 지원한다. 선정된 기업은 코트라 해외 스타트업 거점무역관을 통해 ▲해외 맞춤형 시장조사 ▲해외 파트너 발굴 ▲해외 기술 실증 ▲해외 인력채용 지원 ▲수출 컨설팅 등 다양한 맞춤형 지원을 받는다.
코트라는 현재 131개의 해외무역관을 운영하고 있으며, 실리콘밸리·파리·싱가포르 등 국내 기업의 진출수요가 높은 16개 지역에 스타트업 거점무역관을 두고 있다. 기보는 이 네트워크를 적극 활용해 국내 스타트업의 글로벌 시장 진출을 체계적으로 지원할 계획이다.
또한, 양 기관은 오는 6월 프랑스 파리에서 개최되는 유럽 최대 스타트업 전시회 VivaTechnology(이하 ‘비바텍’)와 연계해 아기유니콘 기업의 해외 IR 행사 참여도 지원한다. 약 10개 기업을 선정해 비바텍 참가비용을 지원하고, 해외투자자를 대상으로 한 IR 피칭 기회를 제공할 계획이다.
김종호 기보 이사장은 “기보는 글로벌 유니콘 프로젝트의 원활한 추진을 위해 성장 유망기업의 단계별 스케일업과 해외진출 지원 프로그램을 마련하고 있다”며, “앞으로도 유관기관과의 협력을 강화해 아기유니콘 기업의 글로벌 경쟁력을 높이고, 해외투자유치 및 기술 제휴 등 성공적인 해외진출 성과를 창출할 수 있도록 정책지원을 확대해 나가겠다”고 밝혔다.
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Kibo signs business agreement with Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency
The Korea Technology Finance Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “KIBO”) announced on the 20th that it signed a “Business Agreement to Support Overseas Expansion of Baby Unicorn Selected Companies” with the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (President Kang Kyung-sung, hereinafter referred to as “KOTRA”).
This agreement was created to support Baby Unicorn companies in developing overseas markets and strengthen their global competitiveness by utilizing the core competencies and support infrastructure of both organizations.
The Baby Unicorn Fostering Project is the first stage of the 'Global Unicorn Project' promoted by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups and Kibo, and is a program that discovers promising venture companies with innovative business models and proven growth potential and fosters them into competitive potential unicorn companies (corporate value of KRW 100 billion or more).
According to the agreement, when Kibo recommends baby unicorn companies, KOTRA selects 20 companies with high potential for overseas expansion and supports overseas expansion programs for six months. The selected companies receive various customized support such as ▲overseas customized market research ▲overseas partner discovery ▲overseas technology verification ▲overseas human resource recruitment support ▲export consulting through KOTRA’s overseas startup base trade offices.
KOTRA currently operates 131 overseas trade offices and has established startup hub trade offices in 16 regions with high demand for domestic companies, including Silicon Valley, Paris, and Singapore. KIBO plans to actively utilize this network to systematically support domestic startups’ entry into the global market.
In addition, the two organizations will support the participation of baby unicorn companies in overseas IR events in conjunction with VivaTechnology (hereinafter referred to as “VivaTech”), the largest startup exhibition in Europe, to be held in Paris, France in June. They plan to select about 10 companies and support their participation costs in VivaTech and provide IR pitching opportunities for overseas investors.
Kim Jong-ho, CEO of Kibo, said, “In order to smoothly promote the global unicorn project, Kibo is preparing a program to support the step-by-step scale-up and overseas expansion of promising companies,” and added, “We will continue to strengthen cooperation with relevant organizations to enhance the global competitiveness of baby unicorn companies and expand policy support to create successful overseas expansion results such as overseas investment attraction and technological partnerships.”
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Kibo 与韩国贸易投资促进局签署商业协议
韩国技术金融公司(以下简称“KIBO”) 20日宣布,与韩国贸易投资振兴公社(理事长姜京成,以下简称“KOTRA”)签署了“支持Baby Unicorn入选企业海外扩张的业务协议”。
该协议旨在利用两个组织的核心竞争力和支持基础设施,支持 Baby Unicorn 公司开拓海外市场并增强其全球竞争力。
KOTRA目前在海外设有131个贸易办事处,并在硅谷、巴黎、新加坡等国内企业需求旺盛的16个地区设有创业中心贸易办事处。 Kibo计划积极利用该网络,系统地支持国内初创企业进入全球市场。
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Kibo signe un accord commercial avec l'Agence coréenne de promotion du commerce et des investissements
La Korea Technology Finance Corporation (ci-après dénommée « KIBO ») a annoncé le 20 qu'elle avait signé un « Accord commercial pour soutenir l'expansion à l'étranger des entreprises sélectionnées Baby Unicorn » avec l'Agence coréenne de promotion du commerce et des investissements (Président Kang Kyung-sung, ci-après dénommée « KOTRA »).
Cet accord a été créé pour aider les entreprises Baby Unicorn à développer les marchés étrangers et à renforcer leur compétitivité mondiale en utilisant les compétences de base et l'infrastructure de soutien des deux organisations.
Le projet de parrainage de bébés licornes est la première étape du « Global Unicorn Project » promu par le ministère des PME et des startups et Kibo, et est un programme qui découvre des entreprises prometteuses avec des modèles commerciaux innovants et un potentiel de croissance avéré et les encourage à devenir des entreprises licornes compétitives au potentiel (valeur d'entreprise de 100 milliards de KRW ou plus).
Selon l'accord, lorsque Kibo recommande des entreprises de type « bébé licorne », KOTRA sélectionne 20 entreprises ayant une forte possibilité d'expansion à l'étranger et soutient un programme d'expansion à l'étranger pendant six mois. Les entreprises sélectionnées recevront divers soutiens personnalisés tels que ▲des études de marché personnalisées à l'étranger ▲la découverte de partenaires étrangers ▲la vérification de la technologie à l'étranger ▲le soutien au recrutement de ressources humaines à l'étranger ▲le conseil à l'exportation via les bureaux commerciaux de base des startups à l'étranger de KOTRA.
KOTRA exploite actuellement 131 bureaux commerciaux à l'étranger et dispose de bureaux commerciaux de startups dans 16 régions à forte demande de la part des entreprises nationales, notamment la Silicon Valley, Paris et Singapour. Kibo prévoit d’utiliser activement ce réseau pour soutenir systématiquement l’entrée des startups nationales sur le marché mondial.
En outre, les deux organisations soutiendront la participation de jeunes entreprises licornes à des événements RI à l'étranger en collaboration avec VivaTechnology (ci-après dénommée « VivaTech »), le plus grand salon de startups en Europe, qui se tiendra à Paris, en France, en juin. Nous prévoyons de sélectionner environ 10 entreprises, de prendre en charge leurs frais de participation à VivaTech et d'offrir des opportunités de pitching IR aux investisseurs étrangers.
Kim Jong-ho, PDG de Kibo, a déclaré : « Afin de promouvoir en douceur le projet mondial de licorne, Kibo prépare un programme pour soutenir la mise à l'échelle progressive et l'expansion à l'étranger des entreprises prometteuses », et a ajouté : « Nous continuerons à renforcer la coopération avec les organisations concernées pour améliorer la compétitivité mondiale des jeunes entreprises licornes et étendre le soutien politique pour créer des résultats d'expansion à l'étranger réussis tels que l'attraction d'investissements étrangers et les partenariats technologiques. »
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