함께일하는재단, ‘GKL 로컬 관광기업 육성·지원 사업’ 참가자 모집

함께일하는재단이 그랜드코리아레저(GKL) 및 GKL사회공헌재단과 함께 ‘GKL 로컬 관광기업 육성· 지원 사업’참가자를 모집한다고 밝혔다 .

이번 공모에서는 지역관광 활성화를 위한 창의적인 사업 아이템을 보유한 예비창업자와 업력 7년 이내의 개인 및 법인사업자 10개사를 선정하여 지원할 계획이다.

모집분야는 ▲지역관광 수용태세 개선 ▲지역관광 유치 프로그램 운영 ▲지역관광 홍보마케팅 등으로 오는 4월 14일 15시까지 사업계획서를 접수받는다.

로컬 관광기업 육성 ·지원 사업에 최종 선정된 기업은 ▲사업화 자금 3,000만원 ▲전문가 컨설팅 ▲맞춤형 멘토링 ▲역량강화 교육과 창업 생태계 육성 전문기관인 (재)함께일하는재단의 창업 지원 관련 서비스를 제공받게 된다 .

또한 성과공유회에서 우수한 비즈니스 모델로 평가받은 기업에게 ▲대상 1 개사 1,000만원 ▲우수상 1 개사 500만원의 시상금을 수여할 예정이다.

GKL 로컬 관광기업 육성· 지원 사업 참가신청과 자세한 사항은 재단 홈페이지에서 확인할 수 있다.

관계자는 “지역관광 활성화를 위한 아이디어와 아이템을 보유한 관광기업 육성· 지원으로 국내 관광 활성화에 기여하기 위해 본 사업을 추진한다” 며“우수한 역량을 갖춘 관광기업과 예비 창업자의 많은 관심과 참여를 바란다”고 말했다.

한편 사업 주최기관인 GKL사회공헌재단은 공기업이자 출연기관인 그랜드코리아레저(GKL)과 함께 문화ㆍ관광 생태계 성장을 지원함으로써 국민 경제 발전에 기여하는 사회공헌 활동을 펼치고 있다. 주관기관인 함께일하는재단은 사회적가치 실현 및 사회적경제조직 지원을 통한 좋은 일자리 창출 , 창업생태계 활성화를 목표로 활동하는 민간공익재단이다.


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Together Working Foundation, 'GKL Local Tourism Enterprise Promotion and Support Project' Participant Recruitment

The Together Foundation announced that it is recruiting participants for the 'GKL Local Tourism Enterprise Promotion and Support Project' together with Grand Korea Leisure (GKL) and GKL Social Contribution Foundation.

In this contest, we plan to select and support 10 prospective entrepreneurs and individual and corporate business owners with less than 7 years of experience who have creative business items to revitalize local tourism.

The recruitment areas are ▲improving the regional tourism reception system ▲operating regional tourism attraction programs ▲regional tourism promotion marketing, etc. Business plans will be accepted until 3:00 PM on April 14th.

The companies that are finally selected for the local tourism business fostering and support project will receive ▲30 million won in commercialization funds ▲expert consulting ▲customized mentoring ▲capacity building training and startup support services from the Together Working Foundation, a specialized organization for fostering startup ecosystems.

In addition, we plan to award prize money of 10 million won to one grand prize winner and 5 million won to one excellence winner to companies that are evaluated as having excellent business models at the performance sharing meeting.

Applications for participation in the GKL local tourism enterprise fostering and support project and detailed information can be found on the foundation’s website .

The official said, “We are promoting this project to contribute to the revitalization of domestic tourism by fostering and supporting tourism companies with ideas and items for revitalizing regional tourism,” and added, “We hope for the interest and participation of many tourism companies with excellent capabilities and aspiring entrepreneurs.”

Meanwhile, the GKL Social Contribution Foundation, the project organizer, is carrying out social contribution activities that contribute to the national economic development by supporting the growth of the cultural and tourism ecosystem together with Grand Korea Leisure (GKL), a public enterprise and a public institution. The Together Working Foundation, the host organization, is a private public interest foundation that aims to create good jobs and revitalize the startup ecosystem by realizing social value and supporting social economy organizations.

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募集分野は▲地域観光収容態勢の改善 ▲地域観光誘致プログラム運営 ▲地域観光広報マーケティングなどで来る4月14日15時までに事業計画書を受け取る。






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Together Working Foundation ‘GKL地方旅游企业推广及支援项目’参与者招募

Together基金会宣布,正在与Grand Korea Leisure(GKL)、GKL社会贡献基金会联合招募“GKL当地旅游企业振兴及支援项目”参与者。



最终入选地区旅游企业培育及支援项目的企业,将获得专门培育创业生态圈的机构Together Working Foundation提供的▲3000万韩元商业化资金▲专家咨询▲定制指导▲能力建设培训及创业支援服务。




另外,事业主办方GKL社会贡献财团与公共企业公共机构Grand Korea Leisure(GKL)一起,支援文化旅游生态系统的发展,开展为国家经济发展做贡献的社会贡献活动。主办方Together Working Foundation是一家民间公益基金会,旨在通过实现社会价值和支持社会经济组织,创造良好的就业机会,振兴创业生态系统。

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Fondation Together Working, recrutement des participants au « Projet de promotion et de soutien aux entreprises touristiques locales GKL »

La Fondation Together a annoncé qu'elle recrutait des participants pour le « Projet de promotion et de soutien aux entreprises touristiques locales GKL » en collaboration avec Grand Korea Leisure (GKL) et la Fondation de contribution sociale GKL.

Dans ce concours, nous prévoyons de sélectionner et de soutenir 10 entrepreneurs potentiels et propriétaires d'entreprises individuelles et d'entreprises ayant moins de 7 ans d'expérience et qui ont des éléments commerciaux créatifs pour revitaliser le tourisme local.

Les domaines de recrutement sont ▲l'amélioration du système d'accueil touristique régional ▲la mise en œuvre de programmes d'attraction touristique régionale ▲la promotion et le marketing du tourisme régional, etc. Les plans d'affaires seront acceptés jusqu'à 15h00 le 14 avril.

Les entreprises finalement sélectionnées pour le projet de promotion et de soutien des entreprises touristiques locales recevront ▲30 millions de wons en fonds de commercialisation ▲des conseils d'experts ▲un mentorat personnalisé ▲une formation au renforcement des capacités et des services de soutien aux startups de la Together Working Foundation, une organisation spécialisée dans la promotion des écosystèmes de startups.

En outre, nous prévoyons d'attribuer un prix de 10 millions de wons à un lauréat du grand prix et de 5 millions de wons à un lauréat d'excellence aux entreprises qui sont évaluées comme ayant d'excellents modèles commerciaux lors de la réunion de partage des performances.

Les demandes de participation au projet de promotion et de soutien des entreprises touristiques locales GKL ainsi que des informations détaillées sont disponibles sur le site Web de la fondation .

Le responsable a déclaré : « Nous promouvons ce projet pour contribuer à la revitalisation du tourisme national en encourageant et en soutenant les entreprises touristiques avec des idées et des éléments pour revitaliser le tourisme régional », et a ajouté : « Nous espérons l'intérêt et la participation de nombreuses entreprises touristiques avec d'excellentes capacités et d'entrepreneurs en herbe. »

Parallèlement, la Fondation de contribution sociale GKL, l'organisateur d'entreprises, mène des activités de contribution sociale qui contribuent au développement économique national en soutenant la croissance de l'écosystème culturel et touristique en collaboration avec Grand Korea Leisure (GKL), une entreprise publique et une institution publique. La Together Working Foundation, l'organisation hôte, est une fondation privée d'intérêt public qui vise à créer de bons emplois et à revitaliser l'écosystème des startups en réalisant une valeur sociale et en soutenant les organisations d'économie sociale.

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