(주)반찬단지(대표 우은명)는 지난 19, 20일 양일간 열렸던 ‘CJ프레시웨이 솔루션 페어 2025’에 참가해 주요 제품을 전시했다고 21일 밝혔다.
‘CJ프레시웨이 솔루션 페어 2025’는 유수의 대한민국 식품업계 파트너사가 참여하는 행사로 반찬단지는 기업과 제품을 홍보하며 외식과 급식 트렌드, 푸드 비즈니스의 새로운 비전을 제시했다.
(주)반찬단지 부스에서는 나물류와 반찬류를 22종이 소개됐으며, 부스 옆에 시식코너를 마련해 순살고등어구이, 불진미채, 명태식해, 나물비빔밥, 볶음김치등의 제품을 시식체험 할 수 있게 했다 .
현장에서는 케터링 담당자가 상주해 방문 고객사들을 응대했으며, QR코드로 (주)반찬단지의 공식 SNS 계정을 팔로우하면 오징어젓 200g을 증정하는 이벤트가 진행되었으며 조기소진 되는 등 활발한 참여가 이뤄졌다.
(주)반찬단지 관계자는 “CJ프레시웨이 푸드 솔루션 페어를 재작년에 이어 재참가했는데, 참가 할 때마다 더욱 더 성장한 모습으로 참여하게 되어 감회가 새롭다”고 전하며 “기존 식품업체와 차별되는 반찬단지의 우수한 제품과 더불어, 브랜드 가치를 널리 알리기 위해 이번 페어에서도 노력했다.
이번 페어를 통해 식품업계 관계자들에게 다시한번 반찬단지의 전문성과 저력을 많은 분들에게 보여줄 수 있는 기회가 되었기를 바란다”고 덧붙였다.
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Banchandanji participates in 'CJ Freshway Solution Fair 2025'
Banchandanji Co., Ltd. (CEO Woo Eun-myeong) announced on the 21st that it participated in the 'CJ Freshway Solution Fair 2025' held on the 19th and 20th and exhibited its main products.
'CJ Freshway Solution Fair 2025' is an event in which leading Korean food industry partners participate, and Banchandanji promotes its companies and products, and presents a new vision for dining out and catering trends, as well as the food business.
At the Banchandanji booth, 22 kinds of vegetables and side dishes were introduced, and a tasting corner was set up next to the booth, where customers could sample products such as grilled fresh mackerel, spicy stir-fried pollack, spicy pollack stew, vegetable bibimbap, and stir-fried kimchi.
A catering manager was on site to greet visiting customers, and an event was held where those who followed Banchandanji Co., Ltd.'s official SNS account using a QR code were given 200g of fermented squid as a gift. There was active participation, with the products selling out early.
An official from Banchandanji Co., Ltd. said, “We participated in the CJ Freshway Food Solution Fair again this year, and it is a new experience to see that we have grown more and more each time we participated.” He added, “We worked hard at this fair to promote Banchandanji’s excellent products that differentiate us from existing food companies, as well as our brand value.
He added, “I hope that this fair will once again provide an opportunity for food industry professionals to demonstrate Banchandanji’s expertise and capabilities to many people.”
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Banchandanji参加‘CJ Freshway Solution Fair 2025’
(株)万菜团子(代表禹恩明) 21日表示,参加了19日和20日举办的“CJ Freshway Solution Fair 2025”,并展出了主打产品。
‘CJ Freshway Solution Fair 2025’是韩国食品行业代表性合作企业共同参与的活动,Banchandanji将宣传旗下企业和产品,并展示外出就餐和餐饮趋势以及食品事业的新愿景。
(株)万昌团子相关人士表示:“今年再次参加CJ Freshway食品解决方案博览会,每次参展都能感受到成长,这是一次全新的体验。”并表示,“在本次博览会上,我们努力宣传与现有食品公司不同的万昌团子优秀产品和品牌价值。
他补充道:“我希望这次展会能再次为食品行业的专业人士提供机会,向人们展示 Banchandanji 的专业知识和能力。”
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Banchandanji participe au salon « CJ Freshway Solution Fair 2025 »
Banchandanji Co., Ltd. (PDG Woo Eun-myeong) a annoncé le 21 qu'elle participait au « CJ Freshway Solution Fair 2025 » qui s'est tenu les 19 et 20 et a exposé ses principaux produits.
« CJ Freshway Solution Fair 2025 » est un événement auquel participent les principaux partenaires de l'industrie alimentaire coréenne, et Banchandanji fait la promotion de ses entreprises et de ses produits, et présente une nouvelle vision des tendances en matière de restauration et de restauration, ainsi que du secteur alimentaire.
Sur le stand Banchandanji, 22 sortes de légumes et d'accompagnements ont été présentés, et un coin dégustation a été installé à côté du stand, où les clients pouvaient déguster des produits tels que du maquereau frais grillé, du lieu jaune sauté épicé, du ragoût de lieu jaune épicé, du bibimbap aux légumes et du kimchi sauté.
Un responsable traiteur était présent sur place pour accueillir les clients, et un événement a été organisé : les personnes suivant le compte SNS officiel de Banchandanji Co., Ltd. via un QR code ont reçu 200 g de calamars fermentés en cadeau. La participation a été très active et les produits ont été rapidement vendus.
Un responsable de Banchandanji Co., Ltd. a déclaré : « Nous avons participé au salon CJ Freshway Food Solution Fair cette année encore, et c'est une nouvelle expérience de constater que nous avons grandi de plus en plus à chaque participation. » Il a ajouté : « Nous avons travaillé dur lors de ce salon pour promouvoir les excellents produits de Banchandanji qui nous différencient des entreprises alimentaires existantes, ainsi que la valeur de notre marque.
Il a ajouté : « J’espère que ce salon offrira une fois de plus aux professionnels de l’industrie alimentaire l’occasion de démontrer l’expertise et les capacités de Banchandanji à de nombreuses personnes. »
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