창업진흥원(원장 유종필)은 24일 오후 대전 팁스타운에서 대전광역시 유성구(구청장 정용래)와 지역 창업(스타트업) 생태계 활성화를 위한 업무협약을 체결했다.
이번 협약을 통해 양 기관은 유성구 지역의 창업 생태계 활성화를 위한 인적·물적 인프라 활용과, 창업기업의 성장을 위한 다양한 프로그램 개발에 협력하기로 했다.
창업진흥원은 내달부터 대전 팁스타운 코워킹스페이스 입주기업 모집·지원 단계부터 유성구와 (예비)창업기업 추천 등 다양한 협력을 진행할 계획이다.
아울러 창업진흥원과 유성구는 지역의 우수 외국인 인재들이 졸업 후에도 지역에 정착하여 창업 활동에 참여할 수 있도록 적정기술 사업화 등의 프로그램을 공동개발하고, 외국인 창업가 커뮤니티 조성에도 힘쓸 예정이다.
유종필 창업진흥원장은 “대전 팁스타운이 위치한 어궁동(어은동, 궁동)은 우수한 인재와 창업 인프라가 잘 갖춰져 있어 많은 딥테크 기업들이 활동하고 있다”며, “유성구와의 긴밀한 협력을 통해 이러한 생태계가 더욱 확장될 수 있도록 노력하겠다”고 밝혔다.
정용래 유성구청장은 “이번 협약을 통해 창업진흥원의 우수한 창업 인프라를 적극 활용할 수 있게돼 ‘창업기업 입주공간 지원사업’ 등 다양한 스타트업 지원 사업을 추진할 수 있게 됐다”며 “앞으로도 지역 창업 관련 기관들과 협력하여 창업 생태계 활성화를 위해 노력하겠다”고 말했다.
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Startup Promotion Agency and Yuseong-gu Sign Agreement to Activate Startup Ecosystem
On the afternoon of the 24th , the Korea Institute for Startup & Entrepreneurship Development (Director Jongpil Yoo) signed a business agreement with Yuseong-gu, Daejeon (Mayor Yongrae Jeong) at Tipstown in Daejeon to revitalize the local startup ecosystem.
Through this agreement, the two organizations agreed to cooperate in utilizing human and material infrastructure to revitalize the startup ecosystem in the Yuseong-gu region and in developing various programs to help startups grow.
Starting next month, the Startup Promotion Agency plans to carry out various cooperation activities, including recruiting and supporting companies to move into the Daejeon Tipstown co-working space, and recommending (potential) startups with Yuseong-gu.
In addition, the Startup Promotion Agency and Yuseong-gu will jointly develop programs such as appropriate technology commercialization so that excellent foreign talent in the region can settle in the region and participate in startup activities after graduation, and will also work to create a community of foreign entrepreneurs.
Yoo Jong-pil, the head of the Startup Promotion Agency, said, “Eogung-dong (Eoeun-dong, Gung-dong), where Daejeon Tipstown is located, has excellent human resources and a well-equipped startup infrastructure, so many deep tech companies are active there,” and added, “We will work hard to expand this ecosystem further through close cooperation with Yuseong-gu.”
Mayor Jeong Yong-rae of Yuseong-gu said, “Through this agreement, we will be able to actively utilize the excellent startup infrastructure of the Startup Promotion Agency, which will enable us to promote various startup support projects such as the ‘Startup Company Set-up Space Support Project.’ We will continue to work with local startup-related organizations to revitalize the startup ecosystem.”
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- 関連記事をもっと見る
从下个月开始,创业促进局计划开展各种合作活动,包括招募和支持企业入驻大田 Tipstown 联合办公空间,以及与儒城区一起推荐(潜在)创业公司。
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L'Agence de promotion des startups et Yuseong-gu signent un accord pour activer l'écosystème des startups
Dans l'après-midi du 24 , l'Institut coréen pour le développement des startups et de l'entrepreneuriat (directeur Jongpil Yoo) a signé un accord commercial avec Yuseong-gu, Daejeon (maire Yongrae Jeong) à Tipstown à Daejeon pour revitaliser l'écosystème local des startups.
Grâce à cet accord, les deux organisations ont convenu de coopérer pour utiliser les infrastructures humaines et matérielles afin de revitaliser l'écosystème des startups dans la région de Yuseong-gu et de développer divers programmes pour aider les startups à se développer.
À partir du mois prochain, l'Agence de promotion des startups prévoit de mener diverses activités de coopération, notamment le recrutement et le soutien aux entreprises pour s'installer dans l'espace de coworking de Daejeon Tipstown, et la recommandation de startups (potentielles) avec Yuseong-gu.
En outre, l'Agence de promotion des startups et Yuseong-gu développeront conjointement des programmes tels que la commercialisation de technologies appropriées afin que d'excellents talents étrangers de la région puissent s'installer dans la région et participer à des activités de startup après l'obtention de leur diplôme, et travailleront également à créer une communauté d'entrepreneurs étrangers.
Yoo Jong-pil, directeur de l'Agence de promotion des startups, a déclaré : « Eogung-dong (Eoeun-dong, Gung-dong), où se trouve Daejeon Tipstown, dispose d'excellentes ressources humaines et d'une infrastructure de startups bien équipée, de sorte que de nombreuses entreprises de deep tech y sont actives », et a ajouté : « Nous travaillerons dur pour développer davantage cet écosystème grâce à une coopération étroite avec Yuseong-gu. »
Le maire de Yuseong-gu, Jeong Yong-rae, a déclaré : « Grâce à cet accord, nous pourrons utiliser activement l'excellente infrastructure de l'Agence de promotion des startups, ce qui nous permettra de promouvoir divers projets de soutien aux startups tels que le « Projet de soutien à l'espace de création d'entreprise ». Nous continuerons à travailler avec les organisations locales liées aux startups pour revitaliser l'écosystème des startups. »
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