알체라, ‘2025 이머징 AI+X 톱 100 기업’ 5년 연속 선정

비전 AI 솔루션 혁신 선도기업 알체라(대표 황영규) 한국인공지능정보산업협회(AIIA)에서 주관하는 ‘2025 Emerging AI+X TOP 100’(2025 이머징 AI+X 톱 100) 기업으로 선정됐다고 지난 14일 밝혔다.

‘2025 Emerging AI+X TOP 100’은 AI 기술을 기반으로 다양한 산업(X)과 융합하여 미래 혁신을 주도할 100대 국내 기업을 선정하는 프로그램으로,
미래 가치가 더욱 기대되는 Emerging 기업들을 대상으로 한다. 올해는 산학연 AI 전문가들이 사업의 미래 가치를 중점적으로 평가하여 2,300여 개 기업 중 100개 기업을 선정했다.

알체라는 ‘2025 Emerging AI+X TOP 100’ 선정 프로그램이 시작된 첫해부터 올해까지 5년 연속 융합 산업(Cross-Industry) 부문 ‘이미지/비전’ 분야 선도 기업으로 선정되었다.
이는 기업의 안정성, 성장 가능성 등 기술과 사업의 미래 가치를 종합적으로 평가한 결과이다.

알체라는 얼굴인식 AI를 핵심 기술로 활용해 비대면 환경에서 안전하고 정확한 신원 확인 솔루션을 제공한다.
2025년 1월 기준, 알체라는 미국 국립표준기술연구소(NIST)에서 주관하는 얼굴인식 기술평가(FRTE)에서 국내 얼굴인식 솔루션 기업 중 성능 1위를 차지하며, 국내 최고 수준의 기술력을 입증했다.

실제 토스, 우리은행, 신한라이프 등 국내 50여 개 금융 기업에 얼굴인식 AI 기반 신원확인 솔루션을 제공하고 있으며,
최근에는 얼굴인증만으로 소상공인들의 근태 및 급여 관리를 지원하는 ‘웍플’을 출시했다. 이를 통해 금융 분야를 넘어 제조업, 서비스업 등
다양한 산업에서 얼굴인식 AI 기술의 확장을 주도하고 있다.
또한 자회사 유스비(useB.)를 통해 벤츠모빌리티 코리아, 골프존, CJ ENM 등 주요 고객사를 확보하며 SaaS 기반 eKYC 솔루션 시장에서 꾸준히 입지를 넓혀가고 있다.

한편 알체라 황영규 대표는 “얼굴인식 AI 기술의 새로운 기준을 제시하며 선도 기업으로서 다양한 산업의 혁신을 이끌겠다”며 “국내 AI 기술 기업으로서의 역량과 책임감을 바탕으로, 지속적인 기술 발전과 산업 융합을 통해 국내외 시장에서 경쟁력을 더욱 강화해 나가겠다”고 밝혔다.


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Alchera selected as '2025 Emerging AI+X Top 100 Companies' for 5 consecutive years

Alchera (CEO Young-kyu Hwang), a leading company in innovation of vision AI solutions, announced on the 14th that it was selected as a company for the '2025 Emerging AI+X TOP 100' hosted by the Korea Artificial Intelligence Information Industry Association (AIIA).

'2025 Emerging AI+X TOP 100' is a program that selects the top 100 domestic companies that will lead future innovation by converging with various industries (X) based on AI technology.
It targets emerging companies with even greater future value. This year, AI experts from academia, industry, and research focused on evaluating the future value of the business and selected 100 companies out of approximately 2,300 companies.

Alchera has been selected as a leading company in the 'Image/Vision' field of the Cross-Industry sector for five consecutive years since the first year of the '2025 Emerging AI+X TOP 100' selection program.
This is the result of a comprehensive evaluation of the future value of technology and business, including the company's stability and growth potential.

Alchera uses facial recognition AI as its core technology to provide a safe and accurate identity verification solution in a non-face-to-face environment.
As of January 2025, Alchera has proven its technological prowess to be the highest in Korea by ranking first in performance among domestic facial recognition solution companies in the Face Recognition Technology Evaluation (FRTE) hosted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the United States.

We are currently providing facial recognition AI-based identity verification solutions to approximately 50 domestic financial institutions, including Toss, Woori Bank, and Shinhan Life.
Recently, we launched 'Workple', which supports attendance and payroll management for small business owners through facial recognition. Through this, we are expanding beyond the financial sector to manufacturing and service industries.
It is leading the expansion of facial recognition AI technology in various industries.
In addition, it is steadily expanding its position in the SaaS-based eKYC solution market by securing major clients such as Benz Mobility Korea, Golfzon, and CJ ENM through its subsidiary useB.

Meanwhile, Alchera CEO Hwang Young-gyu said, “We will present a new standard for facial recognition AI technology and, as a leading company, lead innovation in various industries,” adding, “Based on our capabilities and sense of responsibility as a domestic AI technology company, we will further strengthen our competitiveness in domestic and overseas markets through continuous technological advancement and industrial convergence.”

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ビジョンAIソリューションイノベーション先導企業アルチェラ(代表ファン・ヨンギュ)韓国人工知能情報産業協会(AIIA)で主管する'2025 Emerging AI+X TOP 100'(2025 新興AI+Xトップ100)企業に選ばれたと14日明らかにした。

「2025 Emerging AI+X TOP 100」は、AI技術を基盤に様々な産業(X)と融合し、未来革新を主導する100大国内企業を選定するプログラムで、

アルチェラは「2025 Emerging AI+X TOP 100」選定プログラムが始まった初年から今年まで5年連続融合産業(Cross-Industry)部門「イメージ/ビジョン」分野の先導企業に選ばれた。


また、子会社ユースビー(useB.)を通じてベンツモビリティコリア、ゴルフゾーン、CJ ENMなど主要顧客会社を確保し、SaaSベースのeKYCソリューション市場で着実に立地を広げている。


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视觉AI解决方案创新领先企业Alchera(代表理事黄永奎) 14日宣布,入选韩国人工智能信息产业协会(AIIA)组织的“2025新兴AI+X TOP 100”企业.

“2025新兴AI+X TOP 100”是评选出以人工智能技术为基础,与各行业(X)融合,引领未来创新的国内企业100强的项目。

从第一年“2025新兴AI+X TOP 100”评选活动到今年,Alchera连续五年被评选为跨行业领域“图像/视觉”领域的领先企业。


此外,通过其子公司useB.,通过获得梅赛德斯-奔驰移动韩国、Golfzon和CJ ENM等主要客户,稳步扩大其在基于SaaS的eKYC解决方案市场的地位。

与此同时,Alchera首席执行官Hwang Young-gyu表示:“作为一家领先公司,我们将通过提出面部识别人工智能技术的新标准来引领各个行业的创新。”他补充道,“基于我们作为国内人工智能技术的能力和责任。”公司将继续追求技术进步和产业融合。”“我们将进一步增强我们在国内外市场的竞争力。”

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Alchera sélectionnée parmi les « 100 meilleures entreprises émergentes AI+X 2025 » pendant 5 années consécutives

Alchera (PDG Hwang Young-gyu), une entreprise leader dans l'innovation de solutions d'IA de vision, a annoncé le 14 qu'elle a été sélectionnée comme entreprise « 2025 Emerging AI+X TOP 100 » organisée par la Korea Artificial Intelligence Information Industry Association (AIIA). .

« 2025 Emerging AI+X TOP 100 » est un programme qui sélectionne les 100 meilleures entreprises nationales qui dirigeront l'innovation future en convergeant avec diverses industries (X) basées sur la technologie de l'IA.
Il cible les entreprises émergentes qui devraient avoir une plus grande valeur future. Cette année, des experts en IA issus de l'industrie, du monde universitaire et d'instituts de recherche se sont concentrés sur l'évaluation de la valeur future de l'entreprise et ont sélectionné 100 entreprises sur 2 300.

Alchera a été sélectionnée comme entreprise leader dans le domaine « Image/Vision » du secteur intersectoriel pendant cinq années consécutives, depuis la première année du programme de sélection « 2025 Emerging AI+X TOP 100 » jusqu'à cette année.
C'est le résultat d'une évaluation complète de la valeur future de la technologie et de l'entreprise, y compris la stabilité et le potentiel de croissance de l'entreprise.

Alchera utilise l'IA de reconnaissance faciale comme technologie de base pour fournir une solution de vérification d'identité sûre et précise dans un environnement sans face-à-face.
En janvier 2025, Alchera s'est classée première en termes de performances parmi les sociétés nationales de solutions de reconnaissance faciale dans le cadre de l'évaluation de la technologie de reconnaissance faciale (FRTE) organisée par l'Institut national américain des normes et de la technologie (NIST), démontrant le plus haut niveau de technologie de Corée.

En fait, nous fournissons des solutions de vérification d'identité basées sur l'IA par reconnaissance faciale à plus de 50 sociétés financières nationales, dont Toss, Woori Bank et Shinhan Life.
Récemment, nous avons lancé « Workple », qui prend en charge la gestion des présences et des salaires pour les propriétaires de petites entreprises en utilisant uniquement l'authentification faciale. Ce faisant, elle dépasse le secteur financier et s’étend à l’industrie manufacturière, aux industries de services, etc.
Elle mène l’expansion de la technologie d’IA de reconnaissance faciale dans diverses industries.
En outre, via sa filiale useB., elle développe régulièrement sa position sur le marché des solutions eKYC basées sur SaaS en sécurisant des clients majeurs tels que Mercedes-Benz Mobility Korea, Golfzon et CJ ENM.

Pendant ce temps, le PDG d'Alchera, Hwang Young-gyu, a déclaré : « En tant qu'entreprise leader, nous serons à la pointe de l'innovation dans diverses industries en présentant une nouvelle norme pour la technologie d'IA de reconnaissance faciale. » Il a ajouté : « Sur la base de nos capacités et de notre responsabilité en tant que technologie d'IA nationale. » entreprise, nous continuerons à poursuivre le progrès technologique et la convergence industrielle. "Nous renforcerons davantage notre compétitivité sur les marchés nationaux et étrangers", a-t-il déclaré.

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