벤처스퀘어 투자 포트폴리오
Mr. Mind to kick off a mural street AR content creation project
D Mr. Mind Co., Ltd. (CEO Dong-won Kim), pop artist Hojin, and Good Player (CEO Min-ho Kim...
Gomi Corporation and Bitglim attract follow-on investment
Neo ENTDX and the film company Sujak to produce a movie with AI virtual humans.
Jobis & Villains boasts 8 million subscribers to ‘Samjjeomsam’ with a cumulative tax refund of 200 billion KRW
자비스앤빌런즈 “‘삼쩜삼’ 가입자 800만, 누적 환급액 2000억원”
조가빈, 네오엔터디엑스 AI 버추얼 인플루언서 합류
Wholetem-We Meet Place, signed MOU
Wholetem (CEO Hong Seok-joong) that operates Armor Mattress and We Meet Place (CEO ...
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