Fast Campus to “aggressively expand foreign language education”


Fast Campus announced that it will spin off its foreign language education brand ‘Fast One’ to Fast Campus Language and expand its education centers to the Gangbuk (north of the Han River) area as well.

The background for the spinoff is said to be the company’s rapid growth of last year and a strong growth momentum expected to follow. Also, unlike existing education companies that only focused on raising foreign language scores, the company aims to show its establishment purpose and philosophy of enhancing foreign language communication skills to more customers.

Fast Campus Language provides more than 1,920 module-customized one-to-one lesson curricula with native-speaking instructors of more than five years of lecturing experience. More than 80% of the instructors will also have practical business experiences. Various types of education will be provided including one-to-one lessons, speaking social classes, virtual classes and language exchanges. Classes will be run flexibly from 7 am to 10 pm during the week, with classes open on the weekends. All centers will be located within three minutes distance to provide distance-wise advantages. The company also plans to strengthen its home-study materials education for busy students.

Fast Campus Language will spin off as a 100% subsidiary of Fast Campus and plans to unfold aggressive business by strengthening its Chinese home-study materials education along with others. Also, the company will expand its business hubs in Seoul by opening a center in Jongno, on top of its existing centers in Gangnam and Yeoksam.
