Socar-CU Provides Convenient Store Car Sharing Service
Car sharing start-ups Socar signed contract with chain convenient store CU to start providing car sharing service. The c…
Car sharing start-ups Socar signed contract with chain convenient store CU to start providing car sharing service. The c…
Professional Media Company beSuccess declared on 17th they received investment from Korea, America, China, and Japan 4 c…
Bayer, the company famous for Aspirin works with K-ICT Bontu global center to help domestic Health Care start-ups. K-ICT…
Global media start-up company Seerslab announced to cooperates with the largest domestic telecommunications companies SK…
Eight Live Service states in 16th that golf range information sharing application Approach is published to find the scre…
Rehoboth Business Incubator and Venture Square invest 0.32 billion Korean won to open the largest private Demo Day and r…
Artificial intelligence start-up company Minds Lab successfully received 7 billion Korean won investments. Main business…
“2016创业公司生态会议”将于25日在釜山创造经济创新中心举办,此会议由创业公司联盟和韩国网络企业协会共同主办,为期两天。 今年的创业生态会议是继去年后第二次召开。政府,企业,大学,投资机构,创业加速器等在创业界活动的相关人员都会参加,对…
26日,由首尔市支援,Rehoboth管理的首尔国际创业中心(首尔龙山)正式运营。 据Rehoboth商务孵化园(以下简称Rehoboth)称,8月26日,旨在促进韩国国民,居住在韩国的外国人,移民者,留学生创业的首尔国际创业中心(Seou…
24日,第5届郑周永(音译)创业大赛在驿三洞Maru 180里举行,行李寄存服务大家最终获得胜利。最佳奖由EXO Systems获得,Pompom和220组获得优秀奖,获得鼓励奖的有Hellotutorial, 明天是房子主人, Time …