Edutech startup Class Card launches new quiz platform


Startup ClassCard has released its new quiz game named Class Card Battle for PC and Smartphones. The game has been designed to be used in classrooms while students learn.

Class Card Battle lets teachers quiz students with questions, who can answer them via their smartphone or PC. Students get points for the correct answers, turning boring pop quizzes into a fun game and making learning more effective.

The idea behind Class Card Battle is nothing new, and similar platforms such as Kahoot from an edutech startup in Norway is already popular around the world, and used by 50 million people in 180 countries, including Korea. Quizlet Live is also a well-known quiz platform from the US that has quickly become a widely used tool in classrooms around the country.

Class Card Battle

Unlike Kahoot, one advantage of Class Card Battle is you don’t need to create a new quiz every time. Instead, teachers can select from over 70,000 study sets compiled by educators. Another feature is being able to compare points with other classes to really create a sense of competition.

Class Card Battle is web-based as opposed to an app, meaning that pretty much any mobile device can access it without having to worry about downloads.

“Having used Class Card Battle in my classes, students find classes fun and interesting, and it has helped motivate students to participate actively in class,” says Sunghan Park, English instructor at Michuhol Foreign Language Highschool.
